Weeks After Abrupt Cancelation, Giuliani Testifies Before Jan. 6 Panel For Hours - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I’ll say again, having done a bit of research in my time, if you interview a thousand people who were involved in a situation, you’re going to know most of what’s worth knowing about that situation, even if a few of them are evasive or misleading. And Rudy is an exceptionally careless person who wanders into ill-considered revelations the more he talks, because he’s dumb and doesn’t know it. In a gang where the Dunning-Kruger effect was general, he stood out as an extreme example of it. There’s a weird, corrupt innocence about him, as if he assumes that nothing he does is illegal or unethical, because he’s crusading AG and America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He openly ran an international influence-peddling effort. He’d peddle the Big Lie in courtrooms where a person with his history ought to have known he had no business walking into. There’s just something wrong with him, many things actually, and I’m pretty sure they saw him coming from a long way away. How can anyone argue he might have gotten away with something? When did he ever?


So someone with more than an Id to guide them through life?

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Hopefully nothing. To refresh memories, he’s the new Alpine buck whose coloring is much like our beloved, late Moo.

It wouldn’t be good if he started eating into the profits… LOL!


"Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani reportedly testified virtually before the Jan. 6 Select Committee for more than seven hours on Friday.

“Giuliani, who spearheaded the former president’s efforts to subvert the 2020 presidential election results, pulled the plug on his testimony before the committee after the panel rejected his last-minute request for an audio and video recording of the session. Giuliani’s attorney, Robert Costello, told the New York Times at the time that his client “simply doesn’t trust” members of the committee because Giuliani believed the panel would alter its records of his sworn testimony.”

If he testified virtually, Rudy and his lawyer could make their own audio and video recording.

Of course, the J6 Committee recordings will be 7 hours long to match the length of the interview.

The one Rudy releases … about 30 minutes.


No matter what Screwy said before the committee you can count on the good ol’ New York Times to do their standardized “both siderism” just as they are doing with this puff piece on QAsshole Lara Logan!


“Green” must be very attractive to all being goats. :joy: :joy:

There’s a paradigm of the five blind men and the elephant that I use in such situations.

All five can feel their own part of the elephant, but combining all those viewpoints leads to a pretty good description of an elephant, in total.


This time, sure.
Ya know, circumstances alter cases.

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Someone calling for these things is definitely not in any danger of becoming the Mitch McConnell of the House. Say what you will about McConnell but the man is an asshole of epic proportions not a lunatic.


Yeah, but honestly, there are some seriously poisonous green things to goats - rhododendron is among them, so quite a few plants have had to be removed from areas near the barn. One believes they can eat anything, and they can, but some outcomes aren’t real positive.


So he refused to testify before, because he wanted it recorded on video. Now he’s testifying remotely, which means he can make his own recording of the testimony with Zoom or whatever they’re using. Got it.

The guy has a fetish about recording. Didn’t he say he had recordings on his phone that he’d use to protect himself if he had to? Let’s hope he’s been negotiating to release the most damaging recorded calls with Trump, McCarthy, Meadows and others.


OT: This is fun:

Republicans reject recalling Biden votes, removing Vos (msn.com)

Just over 36% of delegates voted to approve the resolution calling on Vos to resign or be removed from office. The resolution calling for rescinding Biden’s electors, which numerous attorneys have said is not legally possible, drew support from 40% of delegates.

The voters in Wisconsin would love if they would remove him, but Lord knows what we’d get instead.



He has more of a fetish of being mis-quoted or taken out of context. He will be able to deny he said anything controversial, if he can edit the testimony to make himself look good.

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Deer are like that too. Especially the young’uns. I see them munching on the rhodies, the hellebores, the things that will make them very sick, if not worse. They haven’t learned to read the warning signs, and their mommas are no where near to mind them. :worried:

The Corporate Controlled Conservative Press has made it clear what side they are on and it’s not the side that believes in democracy.

This is what happens when See BS hires Mick Mulvaney.


We have a Moo story on the farm where an oak tree dropped a mess of acorns in the paddock and Moo ate way too many of them and got quite sick. Daughter had to cordon off a portion of the paddock until the tree was done dropping the nuts.

A few years later, the local power company came by and told the farm that that tree and several others needed to come down because the trees were interfering with the power lines and presented a problem, should the trees fall during a storm.

Daughter said she reveled in the tree coming down - a recompense for having nearly killed Moo. It’s gone now (and unfortunately so is Moo).


From cnn.com

5 hr 2 min ago

It’s 2 p.m. in Kyiv. Here’s what you need to know

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of blocking 22 million tons of food and warns that countries will face crises if ports are not unblocked. “Russia has blocked almost all ports and all, so to speak, maritime opportunities to export food – our grain, barley, sunflower and more,” Zelensky said in a meeting with media on Saturday.
… … … … … …

Many countries esp. in the Middle East and Africa depend on Ukrainian wheat and barley to survive.
The Russians are holding food hostage so that people, HUMAN BEINGS who have said nothing about this war are going to starve. If this is not a Crime Against Humanity… I do not know what would be.

No pardon from trump Rudy… Buddy, yer screwed


I can’t imagine how it would be anything else.

Of course, the True Believers will continue to be utterly delusional—but the Repubs who are more-or-less capable of thinking are in for a rude awakening.

Dems are up 47% to 42% in the generic congressional ballot now.
After the public hearings, I can’t see how Republicans would be able to win either house of Congress.


Also, he appears to have a drinking problem which may interfere with his lying at times.