WATCH: The Moment When The ‘2,000 Mules’ Folks Admit Their Supposed Evidence Is Nonsense - TPM – Talking Points Memo


2,000 Mules and one big jackass, Dinesh D’Souza.


Oh it’s a very bad dream, alright, but sadly and dangerously, it’s still going on. Nightmare on Democracy Street, Part 22.


No, that’s the asinine theory the Tea Party used when they kept saying Obama was born in Kenya, and if they could just prove that, it meant that everything he did as President was null and void. It doesn’t work that way.


Basically 99 percent to 100 percent of verified election tampering is by Republicans. And we need to get rid of the antiquated Electoral College that gave us Bush and Trump, the two worst White House occupants in history.


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Hi, @discobot! You’ve been gone for a while. Let’s all say “hi” to @discobot! :smiling_imp:


lying down on the stools in a giant’s outhouse

Perhaps a Chow Chow?



Sadly yes.

“There’s one born every minute”
(Joseph (“Paper Collar Joe”) Bessimer)

It’s morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.
William Claude Dukenfield


They had the nerve to gather them for the bait-and-switch.

“Don’t worry about 2020 anymore (we’ll do that for you), now worry about the 2022 midterms”



Does it bother the horse? Or does it bother the observer?

Russia, if you’re listening can you cook up some fake content for D’ineshes pet morons.

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I love that film.

I reckon the reason my brain goes to the Burton film is because Danny DeVito as Oswald Cobblepot hits the aesthetic better for me.

Desperate people. Desperately stupid, that is.


Sorry. I couldn’t hold my applause.

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They want to understand what happened.

I just keep seeing those trump “electors” trying to get into the Michigan Lege and that sheriff wouldn’t let them in the side door, and they’re standing there, all earnest and sincere and supremely befuddled that he would not let them in. “But we’re Trumps Electors,” they whined.

FFS, what happened? WHAT HAPPENED???

You lost. Our guy got lots more votes than your loser lying criminal asshole guy got.



If you listened to the radio in the 1950s you got treated to sermons from the Reverend Jerry Falwell claiming Blacks had the “mark of Kane” and were therefore by God’s design inferior to Whites.

I cannot believe a person using your handle, with a picture of Archie, is actually arguing that the White Nationalist movement was somehow muted ever in American history. Rather, what is true is that for a short time it was shamed by the mainstream media. That is to me what has enabled the White Nationalist movement more then Rush or Fox is the mainstream media’s change about 40 years ago from shaming bigots like Archie to shaming those who oppose racism.

The Republican party was not so much taken over by Donald Trump as revealed for who it’s base is by Donald Trump, Stewart Stevens.

In my view it is more mainstream media fault for refusal to shame the racists. That is the is a link between class and race caused by inequality. But if anyone pointed out that link and reason for it the mainstream media accused them of “playing the race card”.

This allowed demonization of minorities, blaming the poor, “those people” for being poor without addressing the overt and systemic discrimination that has to a great extent excluded a large portion of Americans from the benefits of America.

You need to understand what happened in 2020? Really?
It’s really very simple … YOU GOT OUTVOTED!!
You’re welcome.


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