WATCH LIVE: Impeachment Hearing With Ambassador Gordon Sondland | Talking Points Memo

Not very happy over in freeper land
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To: maggief

What’s the purpose of these hearings if pencil Neck and everybody else already has a transcript of what these Deep Staters are going to say. Anybody know the answer, Chris Wallace is saying this is the day Trump will lead out of the White Hiouse in handcuffs. Sondland is the smoking gun who will prove Trump is a lying POS and Pencil Neck should be President.

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Gordon: “The answer is yes.”

For you watching at home, the question was, “Everyone knows what happened. So you’re gonna cop to that, right, and save yourself maybe?”


Ambassador Sondland, look at in the most positive way. Your wife might be bitching that you spend a million dollars only to ruin your reputation, your business and maybe even a jail term. On the other hand there have been many hotel and inn owners and how many had the chance to ruin a presidency? Your name will be in history books forever. All you have to do is put a good show today, there is nothing really the dotard can do to you.


Nunes continues with his spoiled teenager act and Schiff is his usual long suffering self.

Excellent visual

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So what planet is Nunes from?

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Hey George Washington did it too Drink

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What is the word to drink on? It’s coffee, but I will play

Everybody does it including George Washington

This is FABULOUS!!!

The one where listing the crimes of the guy you’re trying to defend is considered a good defense. Weird place for sure.

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I was born a poor black boy………


Didn’t cha just love that?

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But will any of it matter, in terms of changing public opinion, because that’s literally the whole ballgame. If public opinion doesn’t meaningfully move, the senate trial will be quick and the outcome foregone, and none of this will affect the 2020 election much. To me the real point of impeachment (provided that it was otherwise merited, which of course it is) is to get rid of Trump and for Dems to retake the senate in 2020, and for the GOP to suffer a near-fatal blow. Anything short of that will be a failure IMO. That’s what this is really all about, not scoring technical or feel-good points in a game that most Americans still aren’t following closely. Impeachment is a political, not legal process.

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I haven’t heard it defined. It depends…are we trying to get sloshed?

that most Americans still aren’t following closely. Impeachment is a political, not legal process.

it’s all over every news station now, how do you know most Americans are not following?


About to make the coffee now. It’s going to be quite a ride.

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What he left out was that this secret diplomacy, conducted by Treasury Secretary Hamilton, led Jefferson, the actual Secretary of State, to leave the administration and found what would become the Democratic party, and try to destroy Washington in his second term, and then his successor Adams (who enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts in response).

So, Nunes just made the opposite point that he intended.

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