Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Sunday said she views the midterm elections in November as an opportunity for Democrats to gain more senators who support eliminating the filibuster in order to codify Roe v. Wade, following the Supreme Court’s ruling ending the right to abortion.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
It looks like the Senator Professor has been reading the Editor’s Blog here at TPM.
Nevertheless, she persisted.
As must we all.
If anything makes me depressed and mildly defeatist, it’s not all the money the GOP has access to; it’s not their personal propaganda network, Fox; it’s not even all the gerrymandering and control over so many statehouses, it’s apathetic and low-information and gullible voters. And when you have to propagandize and manipulate these folks into doing the right thing and standing for democracy … well … it’s tiresome. Beyond that I’ll keep my mouth shut.
The left has not made the psychological adjustment to a conflict situation yet. But it won’t be able to maintain the fantasy of normalcy for much longer.
Incipient civil conflict in the United States won’t be formal armies struggling for territory. The techniques of both sides are clarifying. Republican officials will use the supreme court, or whatever other political institutions they control, to push their agenda no matter how unpopular with the American people. Meanwhile, their calls for violence, while never direct, create a climate of rage that solidifies into regular physical assaults on their enemies. The technical term for this process is stochastic terrorism; the attack in Buffalo is a textbook example.
These folks don’t seem like alarmists.
How many do we need to nix the filibuster? Simple majority?
Including the president.
$1000 says President DeSantis (after losing the Popular vote) expands the court to 13 to match the number of circuits after Republicans nix the filibuster… just because they can, and cruelty is the point.
And we won’t even try. Just to recoup what has been stolen from the majority of voters.
I’m sorry, I don’t think he’s meeting the moment.
Hey @discobot!
I hope this is wrong; I fear it is right. “With the end of Roe, the US edges closer and closer to civil war | Stephen Marche | The Guardian”
Is Twitter doing this or those ever pesky gremlins here at TPM?
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
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you mean the parens instead of the name of the poster? I think it’s discobot. It started about a week ago and was haphazard. Now it’s all the time.
Agree. If the tables were turned, a GOP president would be saying things that make people’s ears bleed. Democrats keep bringing spitballs to a missile fight.
I believe it is taken care of when the Senate sets the rules for its operations, which happens at the start of the session with leeway to do so at other times.
Rules don’t require a cloture vote, so it’s straight up and down, 51 wins.
Yup. At first, you could fix it.
Here’s the tweet you cited:
All you had to do was delete this bit starting with the “?”: ?s=20&t=DkXoypCIlEx7X7d0suproA
But even that doesn’t work now.
“@discobot Take Me Away!”
As Stephen Marche writes in The Guardian: The Democrats “won’t be able to maintain the fantasy of normalcy for much longer.” This summer will prove to be a critical time I think.
I was upset to the point of stabby but then I got an
I get knocked down but I get up again.
Your never gonna keep me down🎶
Chumba Wumba ear worm.
I hope this earworm lasts until at least until 11-8.
I think he’s playing the R’s. I wouldn’t give them a heads up on it either.
One of my kids works on the front lines, in an ER room. The other works as a labor lawyer (she’ll just be unemployed soon enough). How do we stay safe? How? I’m frightened for everyone. Do we need to buy guns (tragically)? It’s one thing for them to rule us by minority rule; it’s another to be under siege. Is it time to step away from the news?
Yeah. I read the article, and I fear that’s what it will take to shift the landscape back toward rationality and decency. We aren’t in Kansas anymore, metaphorically speaking, even as we all get closer to living there in daily practice.