Warren Goes Hard After Bloomberg And Rest Of Dem Field At Debate | Talking Points Memo

This election will be decided by gut instinct AND turnout. After accounting for all the voters who are going to vote for either Trump or whichever Dem candidate faces him–and let’s try to get as many of the latter to actually vote and not stay home binge-watching Netflix–it’ll be up to those pesky swing voters who wait till the last minute to decide, and vote based on “feeling” and “gut”. I.e. which of the two do they feel will be a better president and better fight for them. It’ll have nothing to do with policy.

And of all the Dems, I think that Warren and Sanders are best positioned to win those idiots over (and yes, they are idiots, bless 'em, because that’s what you are if you’re actually seriously considering voting for the Orange Anus). If anything, I think that Warren would be more likely. Of course, if she’s the candidate, there are all those Bernie Bros to worry about. And if he’s the candidate, some of these swingers will be hesitant to vote for the “communist”. Hopefully, neither would be fatal.


Yeah, enough cred to vote for the Iraq war, knowing what he did at the time. He’s a Thomas Friedman Dem on FP, overestimating the effectiveness and wisdom of force projection abroad. It’s basically a GOP Lite FP. Ech. We need a different approach. Way past time.

I will never defend Biden for many of the choices he has made. You can fool some of the people some of the time…
It’s way past time for a woman to be elected president. If it’s going to be two women on the ticket it better be the right two.

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Not with me – but yes, he occasionally used the right phrases, claimed to have met all the right foreign leaders, maybe even single-handedly wrote and signed an arms-control treaty or three. I won’t dwell here on his record of foreign-policy mistakes.

Anyway, by this criterion Warren or Klobuchar should maybe have Hillary Clinton as running mate.


Most of whom were expert at obtaining numerous draft “deferments.”

(Not counting G. H. W., of course.)


Neither can I, but we can say we tried.




Usually a good thing!


I probably should have said that the public perceived that Biden had FP cred. I’ve never been a fan. When Obama named him as Vice I thought it was a bad decision, but that’s just me.


Did you have someone better in mind (at the time)?

Wesley Clark.

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There’s that uniform again.

Yes, but in my opinion he was not the usual military shmoe. He had experience as Supreme Military Commander in Europe and was as familiar as Biden with foreign leaders. Like it or not, the public is going to look for (perceived) strength on national defense.

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I don’t see a 2 woman ticket. If it’s Warren she’ll likely pick Castro. The only woman I can imagine her picking as VP is Harris. If it’s Sanders, he might well pick Warren or Klobuchar. But the chances of a woman being on the ticket is very high.


Whoever’s the candidate, their campaign has to be about Trump’s corruption, incompetence, autocracy and character, the deficit, tax cuts for the rich, health care, infrastructure and climate change.

Trump loses on every one of these issues. He loses on everything but especially these, and they’re all high on most voters’ lists. The worst of these Dems is way better than him on all.


Bernie would be smart to choose a POC, also.

That’s offensive as hell. Take that Trumpian Indian shit and shove it.

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She needs Sanders voters.

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I don’t see a 2 woman ticket.

Me either. Someone suggested it upthread and I shot the idea down.

I backed Clark for President in 2004. What could have been…


He was my choice, too.

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i watched the first hour…then simply got tired of listening to Warren rant about Bloomberg’s money, this is the USA… there is no shame in earning money…and her harping about the NDA’s at Bloomberg’s business was very off-putting…she has no idea why these people signed NDA’s…maybe she should ask them before she holds them hostage to her needs. a lot of the criticism of BLOOMBERG is beginning to sound like petty jealousy…we are all capitalist…even BERNIE sold his books for money,he did not give them away…

Temper the excitement … Bloomberg ain’t dead yet … and often as these things go, if somebody can crawl away from a gang-up baseball-bat beat-down & get back up - they can recover …
… and if they stay on their feet in the second round - they earn points for resiliency.

also - let’s assume that Bloomberg is not curled up in a corner in the fetal position sobbing and scribbling out his withdrawal announcement … more likely he is revising & refining his next moves.
The next encounter should be interesting - Bloomberg could get away with visiting brutal retribution on some of his competitors and it would generally be dismissed as “payback” for the gang-up - or Bloomberg will be exposed as just not being able to measure up on the big stage.

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