Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg repeatedly butt heads throughout the Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night.
Bloomberg is helping the Democrats more than any current candidate that is running for the nomination. He’s really the only one attacking Trump, which is what we’re all waiting to see during these debates. What is Warren doing with her little bag full of change? Nothing.
I’m not excusing any of Bloomberg’s past actions or who he has donated to but I think what he is doing now is what matters. Politics can be really sketchy. Those who run shift and change positions to suit the situation. For me, as long as they are evolving in the right direction is good enough.
Warren’s actions have made her come off as a scold and my opinion has soured on her … even though I am on the same page with her on many, if not all, issues. She hasn’t done herself any favors.
I keep hearing that in my head, and not in a good way. She carries on with her attacks far too long after she’s made her point and strains the limits of people’s interest. Everyday voters just don’t care all that much that Bloomberg cracks dirty jokes. They may not like Bloomberg, he’s not likeable. But they really don’t care as much about this stuff as Warren seems to. They have bills to pay and children to raise.
Like I said, she’s not doing herself any favors. She should make her point and then pivot to attacking Trump. They all should be attacking Trump more.
It has nothing to do with me. I’m questioning her strategy and tactics. As far as Bloomberg is concerned, as I said in my previous comment, I don’t excuse what he’s said or done, or who he’s donated to, it’s about what he’s doing now, and right now he’s buying up a lot of media space that otherwise couldn’t be bought up by the GOP. Can you imagine if he continues this all the way to the election? Whether he becomes the nominee or not Bloomberg is an asset to the party right now. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
“Scold” is ALWAYS said to women. It is an inherently misogynist term.
Furthermore, the model has changed. If Bloomberg takes his ball and goes him by not supporting the Dems, then he likely was never going to really support them. Hell, his history of support is very checkered at best what with him playing both sides in order to get what HE wants.
As a gay man who has no sexual interest in women, other than shopping and doing lunch, I can tell you there isn’t a misogynistic bone in my body. I use the term interchangeably with both men and women. But you’re gonna think what you want to think …
For shame, she scolded a prick. What was she thinking? It makes her look worse than teacherly, less than likable. 2020 and #MeToo has not made a dent in pervasive rotten sexism.
I wouldn’t say “always” or “inherently” but I’d agree that the word is used vastly more often against women than men, and has been for a long time.
Yes, this happens entirely too often.
Although I do wonder how many people nowadays know that “scold” can be used as a noun at all!
Warren may come off as a “scold” to you; not to me; not to others.