Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on Sunday decried Georgia’s new overhaul of its election rules, days after President Biden issued a blistering statement characterizing the legislation’s provisions as “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”
This is very Hitlerian in the sense that the GOP is now operating using the logic of bold-in-your-face strikes against the norms of this country. This aligns with Trump’s personality. What the GOP is now doing would be unheard of even in Ronnie Reagan’s time.
Really believing in their souls that the rest of us are weak, stupid, non-aggressive ** and will roll over after a few FOX newscasts.
**of that I am certain: that the GOP looks at themselves as natural warriors. Us, not at all.
“We don’t have systemic voter suppression, and we don’t have mass voter fraud,” Raffensperger said. “What we have is systemic lies for political gain that have led to a loss of public confidence in our elections.”
This is the problem. In a way AG Raffensperger was a kind of hero, but even he can’t bring himself to accept and call out what is going on. Given that Mr. Trump and the MAGA crowd have already relegated him to the ‘7th circle of the inferno’, his statement makes even less sense as he now has nothing to gain.
Yes, they’re racists, but their prime motivation here is political survival via vote suppression. Suppress the votes of those who would vote for their opponents. Warnock said that it would be a mistake to think that this is only a problem for GA or only blacks in GA. He said, “It’s coming to a capitol near you”.
Don’t forget Marc Elias, the election law attorney. He fought those 60+ bogus lawsuits filed across the country that were attempting to over turn the election.
“We don’t have systemic voter suppression, and we don’t have mass voter fraud,” Raffensperger said. “What we have is systemic lies for political gain that have led to a loss of public confidence in our elections.”
It seems that I’m the chosen one to ask the obvious questions: “If the GA executive branch in 2020 felt that they didn’t conduct an election that has systematic voter suppression then why the changes?” “Who and which party dragged the GA voting process through the mud with the media?”
" Who created the ‘loss of public confidence in out elections’?"
“How will these changes restore ‘public confidence in the GA election process’?”
These are the correct questions, right?
And every state in the Union changed, modified some or parts of their current system to make voting safer during a “Fucking Global Pandemic”, then why make statements that these changes caused voters to lose confidence in the process when the changes were only temporary, to deal with the “Fucking Global Pandemic”.
Have journalist abandoned the 5 Questions, “Who, What, When, Where, and Why”?
“We don’t have systemic voter suppression, and we don’t have mass voter fraud,” Raffensperger said. “What we have is systemic lies for political gain that have led to a loss of public confidence in our elections.”
He’s in trouble now with his party – but then again, he’s got more than a year left before he has to run for office again, and in that time a lot can happen.
So what changes the political dynamic and the Republican MO described by Mann and Ornstein below? As long as the Republicans can use the institutional levers of the US to select their voters and restrict voters for their opposition it seems only a wide-spread change of sentiment in the (mostly) white, rural areas they control can alter matters. Where does that come from?
... however awkward it may be for the traditional press and nonpartisan analysts to acknowledge, one of the two major parties, the Republican Party, has become an insurgent outlier—ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.
So I can ID Cruz, is that Graham in the burgundy colored shirt? Lee with bald spot? Who is white haired dude in blue shirt with sunglasses, as opposed to the white haired dude in the light colored shirt? And who the fuck is holding a rifle over the shoulder of the white haired dude in the blue shirt?