WaPo: WH Record Of Trump-Zelensky Call Put Words In Ukrainian Prez’s Mouth, Official Testified | Talking Points Memo

You couldn’t believe that answer, either.


If he’s going to read fiction by fireside, it may as well be ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. I hope he waits long enough for me to make some hot chocolate with those little marshmallows. Oh, and popcorn. Always popcorn.


I think we need to stop wasting our time suggesting that someone, presumably someone in the media, should ask about this or that huge inconsistency as if that would embarrass or discomfit any of these mobsters. The only thing they’ll respect is being hauled in front of an uncorrupted court. Showing them up as liars will bring forth only more shameless lies. Vote them out where we can, charge them where we can, do high-level investigations, that’ll hurt them. Nobody with a press badge and a microphone can do much in a post-truth environment like the one they inhabit.


so just like Nixon doctoring the tapes, they not only did massive omissions on the “call notes” they doctored it up too. That is evidence of fraud and guilt.


Was there a reason given for not keeping recordings?

Working-class people get recorded by their corporate employers, and we should be able to record the people who work for us.


I would guess that the reason for not including the company’s name in the transcript was to dodge FOIA requests or Congressional subpoenas for memos referring to the company - the memo wouldn’t show up in a keyword search.


Unfortunately the whistleblower is no longer anonymous. The Republicans know who he is and have even tweeted out his name and picture. (Josh linked to this in his twitter feed.) Evidently the House members also tried to use his name as much as possible during the hearings so that it would make it into the public transcript.


There’s no history of Trump being interesting in Ukraine, other than the promotion of conspiracy theories to be used against his opponents in the 2020 election.

The 2020 election is already hopelessly corrupted.

The DNC is corrupting the election as usual by forcing the most right-wing democrats down the people throats. The DNC doesn’t seem to care about losing elections as much as maintaining a right-wing party.

Our democracy is corrupt on many levels. At least everyone is still entertained.

What is a centrist when both parties are right wing?

How wonderful is the mainstream of a dysfunction democracy?


I believe it is a waste of time for us here to throw out suggestions. If we had any decent way of getting these PR points and decent questioning into the hands of people who could deploy them properly, it would be a huge boon.


It’s not clear why the reported change was made.

I’ll have a go:

Because, they’re liars, crooks and shysters?


I want the full transcript released.

And whether Trump does a bowlderized reading or not, I’d like to see the full transcript acted out by John Lithgow and Ian McKellan on Hulu


OT, but this is from one of his nuremberg style rallies last night.

When a joke isn’t joke. Better yet, Q: When is a joke not a joke?

A: When its an admission of guilt.


I’m tickled by the irony of the fact that perhaps the most devastating testimony against Trump came from an American patriot, deeply loyal to this country, owner of several medals for bravery, and is also an immigrant from a country Trump probably disdains.


Instead of this weak passive voice assertion, the truth is that no one would admit for the record why the change was made.


OT: Wonder which candidate Lebanon needs to investigate before the funds are released. Again, withholding funds approved by Congress. Looks like Iran and Russia are rubbing their hands together.


We already know that Rudy’s been coaching people on what to say and has been sent around the globe to do that, so that’s another cog in this machine Dems have to inspect. They have to subpoena Rudy and if, as is likely, he refuses to show up, sue his ugly ass in court on a fast track, and charge him with contempt and obstruction if he still refuses. Innocent people don’t usually refuse to cooperate with investigations, and when groups of people refuse, that’s prima facie indication of a conspiracy.

It’s clear that Dems’ real challenge isn’t establishing impeachable offenses, because that’s blindingly obvious, but rather getting a substantial majority of Americans to side with them in sufficient numbers to make Repubs very, very, very nervous. Impeachment is fundamentally a political, not a legal process. This time, though, it’s a legitimate and really essential one, and not a sham, as it was 21 years ago.


Maybe. Maybe at certain times and places. Jonathan Lemire in Helsinki comes to mind. But these people are shameless bunko artists for a living, OK? They do this stuff all day long. I’ve never thought that kind of questioning, shouting stuff at people’s backs and so forth, did much good. You want to get these people, you go down to city hall, you go to the records room, and you start combing until you get the goods. You make fifty calls and then you make fifty more and fifty more. You build your case. That works. The legal system works. And building a case overall works, the way Nancy and Schiff are doing. I would say those gotcha questions are in the lower half of the top ten things that can help.


Excellent point. This blows up the latest strategy Republican Senators had landed on. That it was a quid pro quo and it was wrong, but didn’t rise to Impeachment. Well, fraud certainly does. And if it was all so innocent, why bury it into a secret server and put out a false memorandum?

It’s remarkable. Congressional Republicans are corrupt enough to do their level best to aid and abet this criminal, but he won’t give them even the thinnest sliver of a branch to hang on to.


Maybe it all falls under the general heading of abysmal incompetence and complete amateurs running the circus. Just like all the misspellings in their press releases, mismatched messages from administration officials, or serving cold hamberders to champion sports teams, they just can’t figure out how this works.

They are all focused on appeasing the giant raging toddler and have no time left for actual governance.


UV damage from tanning beds?

This makes sense. And explains the odd differences among tweets.