WaPo: WH Record Of Trump-Zelensky Call Put Words In Ukrainian Prez’s Mouth, Official Testified | Talking Points Memo

The White House’s memorandum of the July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky put words in the Ukrainian president’s mouth that he never said, a White House official testified this week.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1259721

Biden could really impress me if, after tRump is impeached because of this, he then admits that his staying in the primary was a ‘rope a dope’ strategy; then removes himself from the primaries. That might even be enough for me to forgive him for Clarence Thomas


Most. Transparent. Administration. Ever.


Every step of the way, McConnell is working to keep this traitor in office.


It bears repeating, ad nauseum, that every witness should be asked if they know of any recordings of the phone call(s).

I find it very difficult to believe that everything on this phone would not be recorded. Recordings were very important for the Watergate hearings.


Lying to the American people now (or in the future when all this is released to the public), is SOP for tRump and this criminal gang.

Just yesterday this lying sack of shit we call a p-RESIDENT made up employment numbers out of thin air. Even worse, he had the Director of his National Economic Council, Larry Krudlow, (or is it Larry Low-krud), whose salaried job is paid by our tax dollars, look right into the cameras and repeat tRump’s bogus, made-up number, because lying to the public has become institutionalized, even normalized under tRump.


You can’t believe anything that comes out of this White House. Not a damn thing.


“It’s not clear why the reported change was made.”

Come on guys, you don’t have to pretend to be the NYT. I think it’s totally clear to everyone why the change was made. (I wonder which version of the transcript Trump will use in his fireside chat.)


put words in the Ukrainian president’s mouth that he never said

The Republican Party is an anti-american, anti-christian, terrorist organization.


And then the record of this perfect phone call was hidden -locked away- in hopes that it would never, ever be revealed. I am looking forward to the release of the testimony of Lt. Col. Vindman.


Man, this call keeps getting even more perfect-ter by the day.


At this late date it remains baffling to me that they didn’t realize down to the last person that what they left in—“I need you to do me a favor, though”—was already explosive and would create a furor for impeachment where some doubt about the timing still remained. Unless you wanted to get it over with—McConnell’s urging to release the whatever-it-is is interesting here—there’s not much rational reason to reveal even what they did. The president, of course, is a demented and mentally ill delusional sociopath in no shape to judge the ethics of things. But the others—wow. Baffling.


Shouldn’t someone ask him or his staff to distinguish between Trump’s making up employment numbers and Schiff’s sarcastically paraphrasing how Trump was shaking down Zelenskyy on that call?


It’s really amazing how many people KNEW that something was wrong, that illegal or unethical deeds were being done - but until now, most have either looked away or actively tried to cover them up. Until one, then another, anonymous whistleblower came forth, and had to fight to get their legitimate complaints brought to the attention of Congress.

In spite of all the checks and balances, laws and regulations, democratic government really just hangs by a thread, thanks to the hyper-partisanship of the Republican Party.


I think we know that the records (I should say the “cleaned up transcripts”) of other calls were handled the same way to keep them out of the hands of people who would normally see them. I’d guess that includes every call with Putin and Erdogan and every other autocratic head of state.


Lying to Congress now (and in the future, forevermore) is SOP for tRump and his crimial gang.

Lying to Congress is what led to Clinton’s impeachment.

HT to @tena, impeach this motherfucker right fucking now!!! And convict his fucking ass, too!!!


Aging like fine wine in its vault…


President Sharpie and his Sharpie enablers.


The only solution to this awful, deplorable, horrible phone call is to release a proper & full transcript + recording of the conversation with all of its warts, admissions, and evidence. Otherwise it is one more staged bad actor in The Worst Reality TV Show Ever.


Actually, I would really like to see some reporter ask someone in the GROPer party why this WH is saying there are 300,000 jobs created when the people that are responsible for putting together those numbers are actually saying there were only 128,000. I expect the answer to be “homina, homina, homina” in their defense.


Great comment.

You know they’re outing the whistleblower. And their media machine is busy generating death threats that Republicans, of course, can deny having any responsibility for.