WaPo: 2 Arrested For Assault Of Capitol Police Officer Who Later Died After Jan. 6 Attack | Talking Points Memo

OT but funny—


If there’s limitless days in March & Biden hasn’t golfed in almost 2 months & 1 train is traveling 56 mph & the other is moving at 47 mph what is the sum total of no press conferences divided by we don’t give a crap bc he’s saving lives & bringing us back from the brink cubed?

— Ashlie Weeks (@ashlie_weeks) March 15, 2021

Insurrection is a federal felony, but so far none of the insurrectionists has been charged with it, and it has only ever been charged a handful of times throughout American history. Assaulting a cop may or may not be a felony. Per 18 U.S.C. § 111, it’s only a misdemeanor so long as it’s just “simple assault,” which this incident would probably be construed as because bear spray would only be expected to cause minor injury.


The Feds may have been quite content to let this pair think they were looking for someone using a fire extinguisher.


If the insurrectionists looked like George Floyd or Eric Garner, they’d have been shot before they even got up the Capitol steps.


Don’t make me explain the difference between recklessness and intent.


That’s a girl’s name, isn’t it?


This was outside the building, one guy was seen throwing a fire extinguisher 50-100 yards away from the building before any doors were breached.

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I was thinking of the line (if my memory serves me) “We can’t go over it, we can’t go around it, we have to go right through it”. Or something like that.


Yep. And I am certain it’s because the FBI and and other organs of law enforcement in this country sympathize with the insurrectionists. We’ll know if Merrick Garland brings a change of attitude by the charges brought against the insurrectionists and by the quality of the prosecutors assigned to get convictions. (If we get a bunch of politically chosen Marcia Clarks and Chris Dardens, then I predict that nobody is going to jail.)


Hang Mike Pence!

You were saying?


What fatuous twaddle.


You and I are going to have to disagree about this. George Floyd and Breonna Taylor aren’t here to argue their own cases.

My last word on this topic.


This would seem quite unlikely given that more than 300 of the insurrectionists have been criminally charged already, many of them with felonies that will result in serious jail time, and more and more of them with felony charges of seeking to disrupt official proceedings. Not to mention that insurrection is a charge that has only been prosecuted a handful of times throughout American history. Also not to mention that it’s prosecutors, not law enforcement, who decide who gets prosecuted for what. And finally, not to mention that it is the long-held practice of federal prosecutors to bring charges for defendants’ actions rather than their viewpoints due to the obvious problems with First Amendment defenses.


Betsy Devos tried to warn us, but we didn’t listen.


We are going to have to become more accustomed to our success **…we still have too much Trump PTSD.

Again, Trumpism is not sustainable in the United States, especially with the challenges we face.

** doesn’t mean that we get all silly and grin all the time…just maintain vigilance


If the spray is, indeed, pepper spray but the manufacturer states that it should not be used in humans, it is because it is in a much more concentrated form. The jury just needs to hear that the chemical content is x times the amount in human pepper spray. They will understand the difference. I would use the comparison of a pediatric dose of a drug vs an adult dose. Most jurors would likely have given medicine to a child and can extrapolate.


Used to be. But it’s now considered suitable for the non-binary, as well.

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Suggest you read up on Merrick Garland before you commence your lamentations.


Hopefully, Atty General Garland will look at the charges differently. Is it safe to assume that additional charges can be filed after the initial charges?


Prosecutors are among the main organs of law enforcement. Whatever the reason why insurrection has not often been charged, we have thousands of cases today that need to be charged for the protection of our democracy. That is the issue. When your viewpoint is that you get to overthrow the elected government, and you take the first action to effect that unlawful viewpoint, you should get charged - and you would if you could be associated with BLM.

What I see here is that the majority of the Capitol attackers were right-wingers, the same people who have been filling and militarizing our police departments for decades. The organization charged with arresting insurrectionists is the one headed by Comey who covered for Trump and did a hit job on Hillary, the same organization who leaked to Rudy Giuliani to try to influence the 2016 election. The insurrectionists are the same people who always support the brutalization of certain members of our democracy by the Blue Lives that Matter, and the police, FBI and prosecutors know that these Trump supporters are their Blue Lives Matter/All Lives Matter supporters. This is why ordinary citizens have been taking action to preserve evidence and identifying insurrectionists so much more effectively than the cops.

The hearts of the LEOs are just not into this task, imo. This is why Merrick Garland’s job is so important. He needs to have the will to jail every last one of these insurrectionists and buck the fascist trends in law enforcement. We’ll see if he has the stones soon enough.