WaPo: 2 Arrested For Assault Of Capitol Police Officer Who Later Died After Jan. 6 Attack | Talking Points Memo

That never stopped some prosecutors.

I had a guy who got in a fight with his grandfather. Grandfather died 3 weeks later but my guy got charged and convicted of murder and I couldn’t get him off on appeal.


or treason?


Look at the language.

his cause of death has not been officially determined.

The officer’s official cause-of-death has not been announced, the Post noted.

They know what killed him. It sounds like they’re just not sharing it with the public. It could be that his cause of death involves some element of the crime they want to hold back for any number of reasons.

Yep, it happens all the time on The First 48. Some kid who only had the intention of buying weed, or robbing a drug dealer of his weed, drives the getaway car and winds up charged with murder because somebody, whether his accomplice or the drug dealer, gets killed.


As a point of reference, the capsaicin concentration of most pepper spray that law enforcement agents use is 5–10%, the EPA limits the concentration in bear spray to a maximum 2%.


Federal law does not appear to define a crime for negligent homicide. DC does, but only if it involves the use of a motor vehicle.


I thought he was knocked out, came to, and was able to get back to the police station where he fell unconscious. He was then transported to the hospital where he later died. Maybe I’m remembering it wrong, but he was one of those folks with a traumatic brain injury who is up and walking around until they aren’t.


Fair point. But that also can be read as an indication that it’s not clearcut linked to bear spray, as that would likely have been announced. We have cause of death for all the others who died, including the two suicides following it.

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Of course who can forget the immortal Ramones presidential seal.



Funny/not funny you should mention that. Initially I had it in mind.

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I’m going to enjoy watching these murderous cosplaying motherfuckers flip on their insurrectionist “brethren.”


He makes great TV commercials, too! Mayhem cracks me up! :joy::joy::joy:

I don’t think you have it wrong:

What happened to the officer Brian Sicknick?

Sicknick died “due to injuries sustained while on duty,” U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement. On Wednesday, he “was injured while physically engaging with protesters,” police said. He returned to his division office and collapsed, then was taken to a local hospital where he died around 9:30 p.m. Thursday.

Sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, according to two law enforcement officials who spoke to the Associated Press.


I remember growing up and being taught you didn’t mess with a police officer. Period. They had the power to arrest you. They carried a gun. You assumed if you were stopped or detained you cooled your heels and followed their commands. You sorted out whatever issues you had with whatever mistakes they were maybe making later. Right now you just STFU and made no trouble for them.

These days it’s actually up to debate how much, if any, trouble you should be in for assaulting them, and initiating all sorts of mayhem that results in them getting injured or killed.

Weird times.


After several injuries and one death lawn darts were banned in the US and Canada. When the injuries started getting reported on then I believe the company put a warning label on the box, but someone did die.


Also worth recalling that if you’re African American (especially if male), your life is literally at risk in every interaction with a cop, in ways that Anglos like myself can’t even fathom.


Two Trumpansees in their 30s are now looking at many years in prison and a zero future. Has t-rump taken over their brains and emotional lives to prevent even small survival thoughts? They better WOKE soon.


Any chance running amok is considered mayhem?


When you care enough to spray with the best.


If “felony murder” were a crime under federal or DC law, they’d be facing that charge if, and only if, their actions were the actual cause of Sicknick’s death. If the defendant robs a bank and one of the customers drops dead from COVID, that’s not felony murder. And more to the point, neither the US Code nor the DC Code have felony murder statutes. Both jurisdictions require “malice aforethought” for any type of murder conviction, regardless of the circumstances of the crime.

Felony Murder statutes are, to the best of my recollection, primarily a relic of the Jim Crow South. I don’t think most other states have them.


“Members of the jury, my clients only intended to terrorize the legislature to change the election results, they never intended anyone to die from the assault.” If the insurrectionists looked like George Floyd or Eric Garner, they’d be appealing their murder convictions by now.