I read he earned the nickname “Pele” (the soccer player) because he was notorious for kicking his ball out of the rough and onto the green, or pushing the ball with his foot into the hole.
Then claiming he won, of course, no matter what the score.
I read he earned the nickname “Pele” (the soccer player) because he was notorious for kicking his ball out of the rough and onto the green, or pushing the ball with his foot into the hole.
Then claiming he won, of course, no matter what the score.
Palin was merely a symptom. Gingrich was the disease an sich.
We can fix it for you - Have we impeached the motherfucker yet?
You could all go home and rest.
Looks like they’re tired of all the winning.
wake us when it’s over,
We’re working on that. But don’t be surprised if someone forgets to wake any of you…
That might very well be the reason. But I could swear there were times I heard shit that wasn’t quite there too. Since I’m already a worrier (have been my whole life) perhaps it just tended to intensify that particular trait with me.
Reminds me of that movie It’s Complicated where Meryl Streep smokes pot.
I think I’ll look for that movie to watch today.
Just the thing for the munchies
Wake you when it’s over? How about we try you for treason instead? I don’t fault TPM for this, but I’m sick to death of these asshole aides who continue to work for this monster putting out stories about how they’re so exhausted. Fuck you, there are babies dying alone, without their parents, in cages at the border.
I think that’s been true for a long time but we’re arguably in, at least some of us, a post-truth world where reality is governed by your culture and ideology, and not by the evidence in front of you. We simply don’t agree not just on opinions but even on facts themselves.
Yeah it’s exhausting constantly trying to make lies into truth.
Then there’s the story of the time he was paired with a father & his son for some dumb “tournament” at one of his clubs. The kid actually beat him, but Trump made the Dad change his son’s scorecard so that Donnie would be the winner.
What a scumbag.
That might apply to his core base, which is just a segment of that 42%, if likely by far the biggest segment. They’ll believe literally anything he tells them, being brainwashed idiots who can’t and won’t try to think for themselves. But there’s also this whole minority segment that can think for itself, but is either too lazy or busy to do so, or too self-interested to want to do so. They can tell fact from fiction. They just don’t want to. The spin is designed to reassure them in their dishonesty.
Lots of points well made in this thread, even including the stuff that uses wholly self-satisfying snark to it ends…
… and yet. Trump’s electorate remains devoted to him and whatever passes for ‘the powers that be’ are wholly on board with Trump’s tax cuts and the deregulatory agenda towards the end of gutting the capacity of governing in the public interest. The wholly corporatized national media still follow the hellish Trumpian perambulations and not the substance, lapping up and profiting from the perambulations while pretending to a collective corporate crise de conscience. Meanwhile, the Democratic opposition whose feckless ineptitude should NEVER be underestimated waffles about the case for impeachment while couching the Party’s political appeal in terms of a return to the glory days of 2011. The likelier 2020 presidential outcome may well be a Trump defeat, which result he would NEVER concede. But it is a sure thing for 2020 as it was in 2016 when Democratic Party leadership was firmly in the hands of Hapless Hillary, who indeed was more sinned against than sinning but who lost, nonetheless.
In any case, given that Trump is stewing in his own bile on 01/20/2021, what then, the governing institutions having been so thoroughly degraded and the political divisions still locked in place? And all those guns will be out there, as fully regulated as they are now if not less so. Sigh…
It goes back at least to Reagan. What needs to be discredited is the whole idea of the 1% as the sacred job creators, the idea that trickle down is a viable economic theory, that government inherently cannot do good things (sometimes even better than the private sector).
I don’t see how claiming “things are going really good” would be any more tethered to reality than what Mr. Deere said. Things are in fact going really, really bad; and if I worked in this White House I’d be saving my pennies in case the services of an expensive D.C. lawyer become necessary.
Are you the gatekeeper?
Yep, that’s what all of this has done to us, and probably for a lot of people much more severe problems.
May these brainless fucks experience an endless summer.