I know what you mean but I don’t need pot to accomplish that. Sometimes it just comes naturally.
I thought they issued a temporary run of ImPeach Mint.
Maybe that was just a suggestion.
I’m thinking it could be upwards of 70M. Trump truly is uniting America, not to menton the rest of the world.
And he’s gone rogue and is out of their control.
Claiming that he’s accomplished more than any other president is sort of like a baseball team saying that it’s made more early season trades than any other team in history, as opposed to having gotten the most wins, runs, saves, etc., and winning the world series.
Anyone can move around a stage, doesn’t make you a ballerina. He’s a bullshit artist and 42% of Americans either don’t realize it or care. They are stupid, vile, or both.
Its a mockup, not a real flavor in their lineup, but its well worth Ben and Jerry’s time to come out with it anyway, oh, say between now and fall of 2020.
But the euphoria of that win would likely energize all of us for the following 24-36 months for noses to grindstone.
It made me to damn complacent!
I want Schumer to put all his fucking resources into defeating MoscowMitch because even if we don’t win back the Senate, I want that fucker gone, gone, gone…where he can’t do anymore harm and fuck over American democracy.
Same here. I understand it’s pretty potent these days.
The reason you were paranoid is that it used to be illegal - a felony in many states. There are still people serving jail terms for carrying a few joints. So, no worries there. My problem is that all my suppliers are out of the business, but I do know a few millenials with connections …
“I don’t know how anyone could see this summer as anything but successful with the President continuing to deliver on his promises to the American people despite the negative news coverage of this administration,” White House spokesman Judd Deere told the Post. “President Trump has accomplished more at this point in his first term than any president in history and his policies are building a safer, stronger and more secure America.”
The delusion runs strong with this fellow. He can’t even point to anything substantive.
I wish the guy had been successful at anything useful to the American people, but right now it’s a big fat zero and that’s what has to be run on.
It will take more than that . . . but it is a good start. (Of course, we also need to gain the Senate if we actually want to get something done.)
To me that’s almost more like normal spin—factual but misleading. I think what these guys do is just blatantly lie, knowing that with a large number of sympathetic or apathetic people they’ll get away with it. It’s like saying they won the World Series when they didn’t, and if someone says but you weren’t even in the World Series they say “You’re fake news, next question.” Just flat denying reality.
Looks like Dorian will just barely miss Mary Lago and make landfall a bit north of it and the Palm Beach area. It seems like Trump will continue his lifelong tendency to just barely avoid disaster.
If there’s a god (which of course there isn’t), then Trump is his way of telling us that he actually doesn’t give a shit about humanity and never has, a divine joke played on the rest of us.
Sampo ?
To sleep — perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub
You echo my thoughts exactly. Not just the aides, but the whole staff and the cabinet, too. Whiny cowardly grifting fuckers, all of them.
There’s that too, of course, but mostly they just spin, in a way we’ve never seen before, at least in this country, during any of our lifetimes. It’s factually true that he’s passed the biggest tax cut in years and confirmed a record number of judges. But how that’s accomplished anything worthwhile for most Americans, is another matter. Every good liar knows that spin is more effective that outright lying.
Well, they are Republicans after all.
I’m not quite as pessimistic. Those who are lost to reason were already lost. I think Trump’s legacy will be the discrediting of so-called movement conservatism that has taken a particularly virulent and increasingly anti-intellectual turn since at least Gingrich and Palin.