‘Wake Us When Its Over’: WH Aides Weary From Trump’s Tumultuous Summer

The exhausted aides are very very tired of making Magic Kool Aid and drinking it every day to get through the lies. They simply can’t make or drink enough of it on the national level.


You could probably get it in edible form with the the ‘make you stoned’ part removed, if that’s what you want.

This is far more minor, but sometimes I take a xanax to quiet epitheliel linings (from sinuses to intestines). Linings get irritated as an occasional symptom of long-term Lymes disease.


Creeper. Yeah, that was fun in its own way…Never knew how high you’d get at first when it kicked in and then blam…off to the races (and staring at a wall trying to figure out what hit you).


I really don’t like the gratuitous use of profanity in writing or conversation, but honestly…

FUCK the Trump aides. Fuck them. Fuck them and their pissy whiny complaining and fretting about the fucking cognitive dissonance between what they say out loud and what they say in private when they’re “off the record”. Show some fucking courage for once in your fucking pathetic lives and go “on the record” and speak the truth, or just keep your fucking mouth shut and go down in history as the goddamned quislings that you are, but don’t have the fucking courage to admit to yourselves. If you didn’t want to be in the position of aiding and abetting this criminal enterprise, you shouldn’t have fucking chosen to be a fucking White House aide. I’m fucking sick of reading about these whiny shitheads who are begging for our understanding and forgiveness all the while doing jack shit about any of the misery and pain they’re causing.


But STILL the trains are the thing!! :laughing:

OT: The power of satire and snark. Ralph is among the most brilliant people posting here and I’m still hung up on the colliding trains!!


He still swings the club—just not accurately.
He’s there to cheat on every stroke, every hole, every game.
He’s notorious for his blatant cheating.


I usually just want to relax—but occasionally I like the stuff that makes you stupid.


Yeah, his favorite golf club is the “hand” wedge.


Donald Trump is the kindest , bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.

Donald Trump is the Manchurian President.


Except for the horrible coughing.

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Thoughts and Prayers ™.



I’m sure the Frankenstein family eventually felt tired as well.

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“Over? Did someone say OVER? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??”


Our malignant narcissist president should take a nap and then sit on his on his toilet until he produces something.

The hapless WH spokeman parrots absurdities reminiscent of the presidential health reports issued by Dr Feelgood and Dr Ronnie. All bluster, with not even a feeble attempt to approach reality.


This idea they’ve accomplished more than anyone ever is a thing Trump started saying as a possibility because of the tax cuts and the “judges” because wow he has the power to appoint federal judges so he did wow. The echo chamber at FOX and his minions picked it up and now it’s presented as a thing understood to be true. Sheer propaganda. I’m sorry to say I’m used to it, like most of us I imagine. I wish I weren’t.


You sound about ready for a ‘Deadwood’ marathon :wink:


Hah. Even Manchuria doesn’t want him. They already have their President for Life.


His main accomplishments will likely be to have further, and perhaps fatally, divided the country, and caused millions of otherwise mostly level-headed and decent people to panic in imagined fear and anger and go far-right whackjob, and to make truth less knowable and important than it used to be, at least, to people not able to think for themselves, which is most people. He has poisoned the waters to make it easier for him to triumph, and it’ll take a very long time to clean up the mess he deliberately made. There have been few world leaders more evil and reckless than him, and those who are or were, ended up killing tens of millions. He’s officially a junior member of the Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini club.