‘Wake Us When Its Over’: WH Aides Weary From Trump’s Tumultuous Summer

This is important to remember. Before they had their MAGA flag, they had their Tea Bagger flag. They were just as hateful before Trump who merely gave them license to vocalize their hate.

Yes, and I think it’s going to be very interesting to watch him turn on the party when he’s no longer in office. Hopefully, most of his days and nights will be spent stressing over various criminal cases brought against him, but I also think he will be spending a considerable amount of time railing against Republicans who he will perceive as having turned on him. I’m sure he will blame Democrats too, but the bulk of his ire will probably be focused on Republicans who’ll be desperately trying to distance themselves from him. For all the talk of Dems in disarray, the ideological battles we’re having pale in comparison. Their base is desperate to hang onto their ideal of a white nationalist country and they’re not simply going to go away quietly when the party leaders start necessarily lurching toward diversity and inclusion.


Oh yes. Remember before the midterms, when he started pre-blaming the people at his rallies?
It’s going to be good.


Let’s be ambitious – how about 80 million or more? Really, after a presidency like this, it should be record turnout and a record margin of defeat. He’ll have his loyal core group but there should be at least a couple million switchers and then previous agnostics, abstainers, third-party voters or politics avoiders coming out of the woodwork to vote against him.


Fort Lauderdale Airport closed at noon, eastern, today (Monday).


That hurricane is apparently going to show Mar la Gogo a lot of love by not nailing it. Sorry it won’t be doing it in, but it’s good for all the people there. What they’re going through in the northern Bahamas has to be beyond comprehension.

Well, there will surely be some presence there, but it looks like the worst of it will veer just north. In the end it doesn’t really matter, as he’s not there and in any case it won’t cost him a cent to rebuild. But, symbolically, it’s just so fitting. He somehow manages to keep escaping destruction.

I think he will indeed focus his ire on those Republicans who dare to criticize him, or blame him for his own loss. I don’t think he will focus his ire on those Republicans who are his base. He will still be hoping to sell them his lousy wine, steaks, and whatever else is so inherently bad that it is willing to let him attach his name to it. (Most likely, he will put more emphasis on his own station, to replace Fox. This, of course, is assuming that we don’t put him in jail for his crimes.)


Here’s a thought: wake up now, earn your salaries, stop lying, and work on behalf of the public. Or, do us all a favor and quit your jobs and blow the whistle on the abuses of the public trust that you have personally witnessed and/or participated in.


Outstanding Post.


It is.

Agree that a lot of this nonsense got its legs under Reagan. But Gingrich began the internecine infighting that led to the ouster of more moderate Republicans, starting with President George H Bush, and the idea that taxes can never be raised, only cut.

Palin promoted the demonization of liberals, the educated and the ‘coastal elites,” and the idea that competence and professionalism don’t matter to leadership.

In Reagan’s defense, at least he projected a sunny optimism in public. And he did raise taxes several times.


Yes, and as the election season heats up, Trump will increasingly lash out at fellow Republicans for perceived slights and disloyalty, especially if things like the US-Mexico-Canada trade deal do not get enacted to provide him a win.


Which was completely lost on those who knew him. Like, everybody in California.


He was our first “reality TV” president. It was all an act.


Gringrich, I think, upped the level of nonsense because the threads were beginning to show, and he didn’t have Reagan’s stagecraft to hide it. He needed a new mask.

That was clear enough under Reagan, but she embodied the idea that ignorance should be embraced, that knowing things, and actually thinking about things, was a problem rather than a virtue.

It was just a smiley face, pasted over the label on a bottle of poison.


Fair enough, but people don’t associate Reagan with spittle-flecked outbursts and tirades like they do with Trump.

The problem is, his base loves him for those tirades.


Yeah all 15 of them. You were the one who reminded me the other day that so few people showed up in Kentucky to listen to Uday that they had to ask them to clump up in front so it would look like there was an audience.


whatever about the popular vote - game is won or lost by the electoral college, and the repubs have been playing that game well

It is the embodiment of their own hatred and frustration. They feel oppressed, but don’t understand who really are their oppressors.


Yes, and the manifestation of their rage and ignorance. Not for nothing that some regard him as the greatest president.

He’s the reactionary Id