VP Pence And Harris Square Off In Debate Amid WH COVID Outbreak | Talking Points Memo

Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic VP pick Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) are scheduled to face off during their only vice presidential debate at 9 p.m. ET in Salt Lake City.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1337037

Just wanted to point out that the plexiglass barriers between the candidates will be pretty irrelevant as a preventive measure. When you see plexiglass barriers deployed it is intended to function like a salad bar’s “sneeze guard”, to stop liquid exhalations and expectorations, which works in situations like a supermarket checkout stand with brief person-to-person encounters. But covid-19 also transmits via aerosolized particles from simple breathing, and those move with the air flow. If you spend 90 minutes in an enclosed room with an infected person it’s pretty hard to avoid inhaling some virus. A standalone barrier does nothing about that.

Still good political theater to have a symbol of covid-19 on stage every minute. But if Kamala gets infected from Pence, it’ll be due to virus hitching a ride on aerosolized particles.


That’s alright. Pence is pretty much useless, too.


Is Pence going to arrive too late for a test and will be let in on the honor system, tonight?


Of course. A religious person like him can’t possibly lie.


I totally agree with this comment. Would a mask be too much?


Kamala can ostentatiously put it on right at the close of the debate. Or to really rub it in, put it on every time she sits down.


post deleted -
never mind

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I normally enjoy watching Trump debase himself, but I couldn’t stand last week’s debate more than 5 minutes in. Hopefully, this one will be more interesting and less depressing.


She should wear a face shield. I’m not joking.


There are a lot of unknowns that we’ll probably never hear about. Like, do the two groups of staffers have separate or shared restroom facilities? Separate entrances for arrival and departure? WAY separate seating at the event?

I’d be more worried about that kind of thing than what’s happening on stage. Pence is liable to be better protected than his people. The last thing we need is Pence’s handlers infecting Harris’ team and then Harris catching it.


I deleted my post because I realized I don’t really know what I’m talking about.

it happens :laughing:


I wonder if they bothered to clean the floor before the debate, because Harris is going to wipe it with Pence so hard that you will be able to ice skate on it afterwards.


A plexibo


I want to see Kamala make Dense cry for Mother.



It happens…to everyone. :smiley:


Pema Levy

The Biden campaign says it is putting their trust in the Cleveland Clinic to ensure Kamala Harris is not infected during the debate tonight. Given what happened last time, I’m not sure that faith is warranted.

I wish they’d cancel.
Screw the optics and all the obsessing on optics.


You LIE!!!


Vice President Pence does not need to quarantine after President Trump tested positive for COVID-19, his physician said Friday, saying Pence is not considered a “close contact.”

So pence keeping his nose so far up trump’s behind that his air supply is farts is not considered close contact?


Thoughts on Pence’s expected lines of attack (by no means exhaustive lol)…

  1. Pence will be trying the whole time to make her choose between angering the “far left” Bernie/AOC people OR branding herself a socialist they can attack as Black Female Hitler who is likely to take over because Biden is on death’s door and clearly suffering from dementia. Trump clearly telegraphed their belief that it’s a catch-22 they can use to either force Biden and Harris to choose or to stumble while they try to equivocate. Most concerning is if she or Biden ever choose the equivocation route.

  2. He’ll be trying to set her up to choose between being either against BLM and not on their side because she was a prosecutor who opposed certain reforms OR siding with them so they can call her soft on crime and riots and just another Antifa sympathizer. Look for Pence to reference “you yourself called Biden a racist” and the “super predator crime bill” in some way or another.

  3. “You hate Krischuns and have no respect for religious liberty, don’t you? ACB ACB ACB ACB…you don’t know she’ll overrule Roe v. Wade, but maybe we should end your culture of death that is aat the root of everything wrong with Murikkka…you just hate her because she’s Christian and you plan to pack the Courts to oppress Krischuns and continue waging your war on this country’s founding values as a Krischun Nashun, don’t you.”

  4. “If you and Biden spend all your days in a basement hiding from COVID, how can we expect you to stand up to even more dangerous threats like Putin, Khomenei and Xi Jinping? We did a bang up job and those a 200K dead people represent a fraction of the dead that would have happened if we hadn’t waved our magic fake-like-we’re-doing-something propaganda wand. You did nothing but hide while we put ourselves on the line for Murikkka and POTUS getting COVID for the Murikkkan people is proof of that. He did it for them and how dare you say otherwise and minimize his sacrifice.”

  5. “Tax cuts, ideology and pixie dust are what run economies and governments, not proper funding, regulations and employing people with expertise. We had the greatest economy in history and you’re going to destroy it with your green new deal tree huggery and punishment of success to give freebies to the lazy and immigrants so they can move into nice white suburbs and ruin them with crime and brownness and their better cooking than WASP food.”

and of course: “Look at my serious face. Look at it. I’m scrunching my forehead and squinting. Serious. Oh so serious. Lips pursed a bit. Serious. Don’t misinterpret this face as me having to think real hard about simple concepts to even get them right. It’s because I’m a very serious people. Oh so serious. Now excuse me while I try to be relatable and speak directly to the Amurikkkan people by looking at the camera while I talk oh so seriously with my oh so serious face saying oh so stupid shit as if it’s oh so serious.”