Never stops me.
Absolutely right.
Pence will also do what he did in the debate with Kaine. Kamala will make a point - it’s on the record, on tape, broadcast around the world - and Pence will give that little half chuckle and slowly shake his head “no” and deny it.
But yeah, that’s a good point. The ole “dismissive aside as if they’re a naive rube” display…
So do you have any thoughts on an appropriate drinking word? One that won’t get everyone plastered – it is a week night, after all.
Redfield OK’d Pence, because Pence’s doctor said everything is hunky-dory.
Republicans lie all the time! Don’t trust Pence. This is a mistake.
“To me, if we are not involved in the investigation, I don’t know how we could make that determination” that Pence is safe to participate in the debate, said one CDC official who was upset by Redfield’s action and spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation. “We should stick to our guidance. You should be quarantined for 14 days if exposed.”
Can’t wait until she asks him if he knows of any laws that regulate men’s bodies like laws re: abortion regulate women’s bodies.
That’s tough. I was planning on just getting hammered anyway lol
Maybe “47”? They love their little quip about “done more in 47 months than Biden has in 47 years herp derp argle bargle!!!” Or any version of “History” or 'historical" etc.? I suspect Pence will be trying to tout their “accomplishments” and “achievements” as well. Hmmmm…
And the powerball word can be the n-bomb, because you know he’s going to be thinking it the whole fucking time and just once, JUST ONCE, the cosmos owes it to us that it just fall out of one of their faceholes before they realize what they’ve done.
We’ll know if and when Pence attempts to break social distancing, like by trying to shake her hand without masks on or whatever, if they’re looking to spread it to her to have it get to Biden.
For a shot of booze?
“radical left”?
She’s got a big crowbar with Pence being in charge of the pandemic response.
And I’m sure she knows right where to put it…
Nailed it.
She needs to back Vice-President Evangelical into a corner by asking why it’s OK for President OverturnRoe to be taking monoclonal antibodies…(wait for it)…derived from fetal stem cells.
It’s a nice debate point scorer, but everyone knows Pence isn’t even in charge of his own desk chair.
oh sweet Jesus.
That’s a bottle of Jack by 9:23…
No way…if Pence drops an n-bomb as the powerball word, that has to be something at least like 3-shots or chug two beers or something…keg stand if you’ve got one…
Pace yourself. Pretend you didn’t hear it.
You’re absolutely BRILLIANT.
All hail @irasdadL
ETA: Not only is that brilliant but you know that she’s absolutely capable of asking him that.
So, you’re already into the bourbon that you were saving for the actual debate?
I know that I am.