Voting Rights Groups Fight Youngkin’s Sweeping Last Minute Non-Citizen Voter Purge

Originally published at: Voting Rights Groups Fight Youngkin’s Sweeping Last Minute Non-Citizen Voter Purge - TPM – Talking Points Memo

A group of Virginia voting rights groups filed a federal lawsuit this week against GOP Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin’s recent efforts to purge supposed non-citizens from the voter rolls just before the election, using what plaintiffs argue is unreliable information from the Department of Motor Vehicles.  The Youngkin effort — which plaintiffs argue is a…

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I can’t be first! Sorry, no cat pix handy though lots of cats in my home.

Good luck to the plaintiffs in this lawsuit. So much smoke and mirrors, I’m surprised the GOP can see anything at all as they gin up another fake controversy.


This article needs to be more precise about what is exactly happening, to the degree it can be determined. In particular:

The order, however, as previously reported by TPM, does not specify whether Youngkin’s office checked the current status of the over 6,000 people removed to confirm that they had indeed not become naturalized citizens since errantly registering to vote.

How do you know they errantly registered to vote in the first place? Are these 6,000 all people who registered to vote at the DMV at the same time they declared to be non-citizens? Or does this include, maybe even predominantly, people who registered to vote months or years after telling the DMV they were non-citizens, most likely after gaining citizenship?

Later, the article mentions the latter possibility, which means that the earlier factual claim of them errantly registering to vote would be incorrect:

In Virginia, a driver’s license is valid for eight years. This means that it’s actually possible to obtain a license as a non-citizen, and then within that eight-year period, become a citizen without ever having to obtain an updated license.

This difference is crucial! (And I suspect it is the latter.) As journalists, maybe you should try to find out, so you can do away with the he-said-she-said and speculation on what is happening.

Adding: “… it is actually possible …”??? It is in fact very common. There are more than 23000 people who were naturalized in Virginia just in FY2023. Important context missing here.


Republican voter suppression is standard operating procedure, and has been for many decades, this from the father of modern Republican conservatism.


Gotta get a cat in here. Murphy.


This is a “shoot first, ask questions later” situation because the election is so close in time and polling numbers. Gotta keep those potential to likely Democratic voters off the voting rolls.


Of course. But my question was directed to TPM, which put the factual claim into their article that they had errantly registered to vote when this is not clear at all. TPM should do better.


Hardly matters anyway. Their heads are wedged so firmly up their butts that, unless they have glass navels, they’re going to have severely restricted field of vision even without the smoke and mirrors.

Actually, “night and fog” might be more apt here, or Nacht und Nebel in the original.


Corporate takeover of America continues, to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers and the promise of bigoted and largely pubescent rage writ large.


The Press in general should do better.


This made me laugh, Then I had to figure out which direction the eyes point if you actually manage to achieve this anatomical feat. Turns out, it depends on if you do a forward or backward bend.

Topology is hard …

Oops, correction: it does not matter which way you bend, eyes always go forward. Unless you add a twist.


In some circles, you’ll also hear references to the “popping sound” – the sound that accompanies someone extracting their head from the darkness.

As in, “it was only when I explained it to the brass a third time that I started to get popping sounds in the briefing room.”


What kinda name is Youngkin? Sounds like one a them Haitian noncitizen bad folk to me. Or mebbe a Russian?
Deport him!!!


Stop The Steal!

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Frankly, I am tired living with these racist liars.


Youngkin is Mr Rogers on the outside and Uriah Heep on the inside.


As time goes on, I continue to be amazed at the number of politicians, who have sworn to uphold the Constitutions of the Republic and of their states, who appear to so easily slip into the persona of Nazi storm troopers. WTF! How come so many (supposedly well informed and politically savvy) people are willing to join the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger) and the Sofa Humper to take actions to overthrow our democratic way of life. I really fear that we are seeing the birth of the Fourth Reich!


Handsome Murphy should be gracing us with his presence on the Kitties thread in the Hive!


I’m so tired of these depraved a$sholes. They won’t f*cking stop until our democracy is destroyed.


Khaya Himmelman properly attributed that allegation as a claim made by the lawsuit, not something she independently verified.