Voting Rights Groups Fight Youngkin’s Sweeping Last Minute Non-Citizen Voter Purge

This is Red Scare-type stuff brought up to date. “There are 6,000 – no, 10,000! – no, 25,000! – communists, er, noncitizens voting. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg.” So you get both the purge, which probably rids you of meddlesome Dems, and the PR that you’ve found a “real” problem, are “doing” something about it, and should be allowed a free hand to do even more, since it’s much, much “worse” than anyone but the most cynical thought.


They can’t win honestly, so they cheat. It’s the only logical explanation.


So that sent me off to refresh my memory of McCarthy’s original quote (“While I cannot take the time to name all the men in the State Department who have been named as members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205.”) which got me to a page at on the topic.

This paragraph here (emphasis mine) resonates remarkably with the present Trumpublican GOP:

The Saturday Evening Post heralded McCarthy’s arrival with an article entitled, “The Senate’s Remarkable Upstart.” For the next three years, McCarthy searched for an issue that would substantiate his remarkableness. As one of his many biographers has observed, McCarthy’s initial years in the Senate were characterized by his impatient disregard of the body’s rules, customs, and procedures. Another scholar noted the ease with which he rearranged the truth to serve his purposes. “Once he got going, logic and decorum gave way to threats, personal attacks, and multiple distortions.”

Change the name and a few details, and the exact same thing could be said about Jim Jordan, or MTG, or the old felon himself.


If there is any saving grace here it’s that Virginia has same day registration. Anyone who has been wrongfully removed can reregister at the polling place and vote, although it will be a provisional ballot. So this attempt to discourage voting also has the effect of causing longer lines and more chaos at the polls and making more work for pollworkers and the election office staff. Also makes for more mistakes without an opportunity to fix them.


Can anyone verify this? I have no trouble believing Taylor did this. She’s another Dolly Parton.


Saying that this is about noncitizen voting is like calling anti-abortion nutbars “pro-life” or giveaways to oligarchs “regulatory reform”. Simply by using the traitors’ language, the media is wired for republicans.

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We may very well win the election and 86 TSF once and for all. Even so the work to preserve our nation will go on and on. It is much easier to create chaos than to create order. Those with no love for America will always be vandals.


That and the fact that they’re assholes.