The next flashpoint in voter fraud alarmists’ crusade to overhype their claims may be coming in Minnesota, the most voter-friendly state in the country.
The description in this article shows that Minnesota Voters Alliance is an outside created lobbying group.
How does this group, i.e. not a voter, have standing to make election officials turn over data. I could imagine that a voter might have standing to require disclosure of discover documents such as the voter rolls, but having this data from election officials would allow outside groups whether made up of legitimate voters or not have a bunch of power to gum up the works, so to speak.
Legally, how do they have standing? Also should there past losses in court effect the outcome of future lawsuits? If not it should.
In a normal world, all of your questions would be valid, but voter suppression is key to GOP victories and they will take whatever they can get. Standing, be damned.
One fact of life never gets easier to accept, no matter how advanced your years or varied your experiences, and that is we all coexist with some truly odius, reprehensible, depraved people.
The truth is that by far the biggest voter fraud in America is being done by Republicans and these right wing groups trying to suppress votes by keeping the poor and especially minorities from voting.
I could be wrong, but I think MVA is the same group that tried (and failed) to get a Voter ID law passed here in Minnesota back in 2012. So I’m guessing this is another ploy to gaslight Minnesotans about “voter fraud” that doesn’t happen in service of trying to get some voter restriction law passed. Luckily we Minnesotans could see through this obvious voter suppression attempt in 2012 and we will see through it again.
ETA: Yep, they’re the same group:
In the past, the MVA has unsuccessfully pushed for voter photo ID in the state, while opposing the expansion of voter registration opportunities.
Republicans should propose a compromise. They’ll agree to make voting fully accessible, easy, and fair for all minorities, no roadblocks or bullshit measures to suppress it or make it difficult. In exchange minorities agree that their votes count for 3/5 of a regular vote.
Sort of like when someone owes you a $1000 and they propose to settle for $600. Hey, the $600 sucks, but at least you got it, right?
“voter roll data” implies name and address at least. I would be angry to find that the government turned mine over to a partisan group under any circumstances. We need to start a privacy advocacy movement.
Nonetheless, he was vague when asked by TPM about how he would vet the data to find legitimate claims of illegal voters, as opposed to discrepancies that were caused by administrative errors.
They’re still working on a list of “comprehensive ideas” that will validate the voters who vote (R) while confirming the illegitimacy of those who vote (D). Nobody knew voter suppression could be so complicated.
IANAL, but can’t the MN SOS argue that these groups have a history of exposing private voter data and, therefore, should not be given such data? We already know they are making these requests in bad faith, surely there is an option to prevent the damage rather than sue them after the fact.
As I read it, the “outside group” has WON their two lower court decisions, not lost. I think you were interpreting it backwards. If I’m wrong, my apologies.