Voter Fraud Alarmists’ Next Big Stand Is In Minnesota | Talking Points Memo

They have standing because they litigate through local sockpuppets, not in their own name.

These Minnesota red-necks should visit Georgia and get a how-to procedural on how voter suppression really works from Brian Kemp, then swing through Texas and chat with Tom Delay’s cronies, because “…if you ain;t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’!”.

They’re all honestly proud and delighted to be screwing over minority voters; it’s a point of pride stretching back to the post civil war 19th century. They’ll smile broadly as they deny it too, don’t have to look any further than Kobach, Cotton, McConnell, Sessions or Barr on any given day, genuinely racist scum masquerading as “patriots.”

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The spokesman interviewed by TPM says his organization seeks to suppress voters. That’s all we need to know. The question is how to prevent this. Shouldn’t voters have an expectation of privacy with regard to their registration data? Other than “Joe Blow, registered voter, Minnetonka, Minn.,” why should any personal data be given up?

thanks for the info.
Do they pay these sock-puppets? In cash or otherwise?

Does anybody investigate these sock-puppets?

Only the sockpuppets in class actions get paid. Sockpuppets in cases like this are volunteers, though not necessarily or always in full possession of their faculties.

Being on the rolls does not an illegal voter make.

You know what I’m saying here? The voter roll has pretty much nothing to do with vote fraud. How many registered voters vote? All of them? All the time?

No. Eff the gop. A registered voter is not a voter, they are a vote opportunity. Call me when you find people voting illegally.

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I have not looked at all the Minnesota’s legal rules of conduct, but is it possible that said “sock-puppets” are not completely informed of how their names are being used by these organizations like this one? Rule 1.2. about informed consent.

Do other organizations follow up with these folks or others they hav contacted to see if they are abiding by each states personal/legal code of conduct? In addition, because these cases are usually pro-bono, it would be obvious to many that there should at least be a paper trail of this citizen attempting to remedy or go after these issues before being approached by outside organizations that have been found to have a political bias on certain issues.

Btw, I am a longtime reader of TPM and if you are the very same ncsteve from the very beginning, right around the W Bush invasion of Iraq, that is awesome. Remember some awesome comments from you and others like flyonthewall and emptywheel.

Sue. The. B*stards.

It’s voter suppression. And the racist buns of sitches know this. And they do not care, because they are terrified of the alternative, which is to become a permanent minority party.

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Generally speaking, the sockpuppets are fully committed members of the movement zealously committed to the goals of the zealot lawyers, donors usually. Works much the same way with the left of center and environmental groups. In a case like this, there will be very little discovery done about the putative parties, or interest in doing it, beyond establishing that they’re bone fide residents of the jurisdiction with a sufficient stake in the outcome as citizens or taxpayers or voters to satisfy the applicable standing requirement.

Yes, I’ve been here that long. I dropped out during the ill-fated Facebook experiment, because hell no, came back as soon as it ended, but was forced by the successor system to comment under my real name (a Google Plus thing, maybe?) and the very different responses to me saying the same shit I had before without the trail of knowledge of who I was and where I was coming from was just a fascinating experiment. So much so that I kept it up for a while even after I could reclaim my old handle, though it felt a bit like a violation of APA ethical standards due to lack of knowing consent.

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