A cut cable has shut down Virginia’s statewide online voter registration system, and it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1338119
A cut cable has shut down Virginia’s statewide online voter registration system, and it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
Talked to somebody in the local office this a.m. that told me it was down. What I had called to find out was why the ballot tracking wasn’t working. I had hand carried my ballot in 2 weeks ago and looked at the site several times and nothing. The woman in the office said it was a third party vendor that had set up this tracking and it wasn’t working and she didn’t think it was going to be working. She was able to find record of my ballot being dropped off. Good grief. Anything else going to go wrong?
trumps pals in the GRU?
A cut cable.
Huh. That doesn’t sound suspicious at all.
No matter the obstacle, VOTE!
I love that!
Well, gee, isn’t that unusual, a cut cable - couldn’t even make it look like an accident. This shit is now going to happen for every single national election - thanks again, GOP voters.
A cut fiber cable? Well this smells fishy as shit.
Like the lady said in the line in Georgia on the news last night. Vote like your life depends on it. It probably does.
JFC. Thank goodness my state offers same-day registration during Early Voting and on Election Day, so people who miss today’s deadline won’t necessarily have to vote provisionally. Some (not all) will be able to cast a regular ballot.
Provisional ballots work. Do what we all must do to have our say in this election. It is a right we have, and also a duty as a citizen. And, once we have a new President, do what you can to help rebuild our election system, and RESTORE voting rights in this country.
Every news report on voting and voter suppression ought to remind readers of CJ John Roberts’ Shelby v. Holder opinion striping voting rights. Particularly on this day of Handmaiden nomination hearings.
The Republican Party has become a "Vote Terrorist ". I live in Washington State were we have voted “mail in ballots” for many years. Everyone should. Washington State has also brought the Covid-19 pandemic under reasonable control by using distancing and mask waring along with preventing unrestricted openings.
OT, but Virginia’s in the news for another reason today.
Not an accident.
Speaking of stripping things: The conservatives on SCOTUS should be stripped of their robes and enrobed in tar and feathers.
Well if you can’t kidnap a governor, then go for the cut cable. It was in the handbook “Terrorism for American Dummies”.
Especially as they continue to drone on about how they are against judicial activism and “legislating from the bench.” I think it’s time some democratic senator made headlines by saying, straight out in hearings, that everything Republican legal scholars pretend to believe–deference to legislatures, judicial restraint, original intent, textualism-- is pure and utter bullshit and that they know it, so stop insulting our fucking intelligence. Use the words Bullshit and Lies. Shelby v Holder and Citizen’s United are the incontrovertible proof. Deference to legislatures and to the law’s original intent my ass. I am so sick of “originalist” judges who don’t have a single historian on their staffs and who believe in their magical ability to read a text and know original intent, which–surprise of surprises–always confirms the judge’s preferred policy outcome. That they have sold people on this scam–including the mainstream media–is what galls me the most. I’d have no problem with a GENUINELY originalist judge, even one who believed that Roe was legally a mistake.
Amazing that Trump supporters are (literally) willing to kill other human beings because they believe shape-shifting reptoids from Alpha Centauri are eating millions of babies at the behest of George Soros in the non-existent basement of a pizzeria – but the idea of Republicans ratf-cking an election is “a totally crazy conspiracy theory that only a fool would believe!”
Does every state have the law that if you are in line on election day, before the stated official poll closing time, they have to let you vote? I thought I remember reading that in KY which had move a polling place to an arena that they tried to deny people waiting in line, a line that went outside the arena. They I think tried to claim that the official line constituted the line within the building.