Vance’s History Of Extremist Remarks On Family Doesn’t Stop At ‘Childless Cat Ladies’

It is such a republican thing to think the only way people can be invested and/or empathetic toward anyone is to have some direct connection like family or friends. I have a child, but even when I did not, I cared about how policies would impact others.


Gotta love the GOP suggestion that our troops who don’t have kids have no “physical commitment to our nation’s future”.


Insulated and entitled.


You don’t need to call what Orange Turd and Couch Fucker are doing a clean-up job.

That’s more like just smearing the shit on the walls with their futile attempts to explain that crazy shit away.

All the bleach in the world is not going to help those dweebs.


Why blame others for that which you have done yourself.


Isn’t it interesting how the authentic, genuine, not at all made up, Word of God, always aligns perfectly with the wants and needs of men? If made into a Venn diagram it would be a perfect circle. Funny how God could not give two shits for the women and children he creates.

I am starting to think something might not be on the up and up.


Remember that J.D. Vance is where he is because he succeeded in convincing Peter Thiel that he, Vance, was Thiel’s perfect Manchurian candidate. Vance did such a good job of re-shaping himself in the image of Thiel’s interests and desires that he completely lost track of the fact that Thiel was a monstrous, democracy-hating freak. Now, suddenly, Vance finds himself having to defend the Thiel-ian ideology that he swallowed whole. He’s discovering that it looks monstrous and freaky to normal people.
Vance may well turn out to be worse for Trump than Palin was for McCain. But if Trump wins, he’ll be a lot more dangerous than Palin was.


“Step-child” is a nice touch.


Does that sound to anyone else like Vance was doubling down on his f*** you to women who don’t have children?


Skanky should have chosen either Wanky, Eric or Barron as his vice presidential running mate. Barron has the most experience in elected office since he was President of the Florida Republican Party. Alternatively, Steve Bannon or Alex Jones or Allen Weisselburg? Maybe even run as his own running mate by resorting John Barron or David Dennison?

Lets look at the ye olde heat map on the Case of the Seductive Sofa. Yep still up there red hot. If Mike Hammer or Perry Mason were real, they would be telling him is toast. And stop taking his calls. I keep seeing everyone saying how Smart he is. Ahem.

Poor Kerry was Swiftboated into the ground. But this was by people who concertedly built a campaign of misconstrued real events, adding fabrications of their own.

In this case, it was a joke, online. Simply a joke that went off like a rocket. But no content, no background, no reality and Vance simply is not up to laughing it off.

I like the comment of the person who originally posted that joke.

Perhaps, Rick said, whether Vance actually had carnal knowledge of one or more couches is immaterial. Rick suggested Vance making love to a couch may best be viewed as what Werner Herzog has described as the “ecstatic truth” — in Herzog’s words, “a kind of truth that is the enemy of the merely factual,” encompassing falsehoods that “make some essence of the man visible.”

[Author of JD Vance Couch Joke Speaks Out - Business Insider]

In the meantime, Vance is combating his own words in other directions, adding fuel to the fire each time. A simple explanation may have sufficed, but he can’t leave it all alone. And the rest is history. If he were president, since that is a potential as vice, is this the adroit thinker who can assess and react to world events as they happen? Doubtful. He is going to sit in his office scribbling one more excuse for things he has done in the past. And making it all worse.

This is not a smart man.


JD Vance: Proof positive that we can rid ourselves of the notion that highly educated people are by virtue of their academic accomplishments possessed of intelligence. Some educated people are intelligent, some are not.


Maybe I’m forgetting stuff about Palin, but i’m pretty sure she wasn’t nearly as nasty as JD.


My mother and father hated each other. All four of us children had to suffer through yelling and screaming, alcoholism, lack of communication with our parents, etc. because of them staying together. I know I suffered with PTSD.

Nothing the matter with having one parent. My mother was a much happier person when she left my father. I remember my father assaulting her when I was
6 years old. (69 years ago.) I remember what clothes my mother was wearing that night. It is s vivid memory for me.

And forcing mothers to stick with the father when they were being abused is criminal. JD is a sick man who has no empathy or brains. So much for their family values. Women are not their possessions. And men have no business telling their wives what to do. Sorry to go on. My family would win an award for
the most dysfunctional family.


I think they’re stuck with him.
Elect a clown, expect a circus.


Dogs are too good for him.


Caribou Barbie and Vance, the “Couch Surfer,” were both nasty, nasty, nasty in their own disgusting, unique way.

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When my grandson was 4 years old, he told my son he wanted to change his sister’s diaper. Reluctantly my son allowed him to. My grandson did a perfect job of changing the diaper. His dad stayed home 3 years to take care of the youngest child. And his son emulated what dad did.




OT, but can you imagine either Trump or Vance doing this or having this effect on a bunch of girls or boys? ROPE is a publicly funded program for Black girls and young women in Berkshire County – in the summer, pretty much a regular summer camp. They greeted Kamala over at Westfield, MA’s small airport. (Probably for security reasons – Pittsfield has a comparable airport.) It was a surprise for them – they thought they were being taken on a day trip of some other kind. From the article: "For girls in the Pittsfield-based group ROPE, meeting Vice President Kamala Harris was a memory of a lifetime… ‘She was so genuinely excited to receive the gift [a bracelet made in camp] and made a connection with everyone,’ said Savannah… ‘It’s not what I was expecting.’

"Cassidy…also was impressed that Harris made eye contact as she shook hands with each person.

“'For me it’s still, even now, ‘Oh my gosh, that just happened,’” Cassidy said. ‘It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around the fact we got to meet this important person. I think it’s an amazing experience and I’m really grateful that we got to go.’"

Just sayin’, local events and local coverage matter a lot.

For girls in the Pittsfield-based group ROPE, meeting Vice President Kamala Harris was a memory of a lifetime