Usual Cast Of Far-Right Extremists Goes Into Racist Tailspin Over JD Vance's Wife

Originally published at: Usual Cast Of Far-Right Extremists Goes Into Racist Tailspin Over JD Vance’s Wife

While most Trump fans have spent the week fawning over Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and his transformation from a never-Trump cable news star to a darling of the fever swamps, some denizens of the vilest corners of the right-wing internet have been criticizing the former president for his VP pick. Not because he isn’t anti-trans…

Ah JD, remember the old saying, “if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas,” eh? Here it is in Yalie in case you forgot: qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.

Have a nice time at the insurrection you stupid putz.


What about Trump’s wife.
Where was she born?
Her parents were Commies.


Vile is an anagram of evil.


I am just shocked by the revelation that Neo-Nazis are racist!

And I am waiting for TFG to hot mic “N-clank” (skipping the clank) when attacking Harris.

Followed by the required “He was joking, don’t you libs have a sense of humor?”


Don’t they know that the wives - and women in general - don’t matter?

I mean, aren’t they disposable and interchangeable?


Are we talking about Utah and Northern Arizona?

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To put it bluntly, she’s white. She’s European, so there’s no question to the purity of her blood.

Doesn’t matter since she’s White. We only question country of origin when the person is not White. Notice that Republicans never talk about Europeans, like Melania, being in the country illegally. If you violate the terms of your visa, like Melania did, you’re illegal. Notice we never talk about people who enter the US and overstay their visas. We always talk about illegals as non-White people from Asia, Africa and Central and South America.

Republicans love ex-Commies like Putin now…


far-right influencers have been expressing their concerns online in recent days that Vance will not be great replacement-y enough due to his love for his wife, who is not white.

I don’t buy for one second that neo-Nazis are actually unhappy about Vance.

IIRC, Hitler himself did not satisfy his own standard of “Aryan,” but that didn’t stop him from murdering millions of people.

Neo-Nazis will be more than happy to tolerate Vance’s brown family if doing so gets them one step closer to the aggressive and brutal anti-immigrant plans that Trump will re-enact to bring about a new era of white Christian nationalism. (aka Children In Cages Guarded By Rapists, Part 2)

And it will get them one step closer: Usha is a permission slip for racist voters to tell themselves that Trump’s Nazi plans won’t happen, or won’t be as bad as feared. It’s a very small fig leaf, but that’s enough for a person who is looking for excuses to vote for an authoritarian program of ethnic cleansing.

When my mom sends me a box of chocolates* for the holidays, I make every day a “cheat day,” and that’s an unreviewable decision.

* Albert’s Ice Cubes, 100 count. Milk chocolate + hazelnut. They melt in your mouth like a mother’s heart melts for her newborn child.


Should we be surprised that people who support someone who told the surviving Navajo Code Talkers that his nickname for Elizabeth Warren was Pocahontas, would have a problem with Vance’s brown-skinned wife? Anyone really think Tim Scott or Byron Donalds had a real shot at VP? Trump was very happy to use them, and will continue to use them as necessary.

Project 2025 includes undoing DEI and Affirmative Action. These people don’t want anyone that doesn’t look like them. They tolerated Kash Patel and Ben Carson, but would have been just fine without their presence.


Vance is a liar about his beliefs, saying whatever he can to advance. This is obvious to me because I am married to an immigrant, and there’s no way you marry someone like his wife and believe the anti-immigrant garbage that Republicans are spouting (including him). They have chosen to ignore it to advance the possibility of him becoming president…it says a lot about his character that he’s willing to put his wife in that situation, having to hear those awful things said about her, and about their cravenness at gaining power.

It’s possible that Vance wouldn’t be an anti-immigrant jerk if that wasn’t where the party is right now. Same goes for anti-abortion, and the other extreme positions. He’s taking them because that’s how you advance in the party right now…maybe he thinks he can moderate things later, or adjust them behind the scenes, but he’s going to learn soon what happens when you ride the Trump tiger, just like Pence it’s going to cause him to become ever worse or eat him alive.


" ‘I never thought the leopards would eat MY wife’s face,’ sobs man who accepted VP nomination of Leopards Eating People’s Faces party."

¯\_ (ツ) _/¯


They’ll come around and embrace him - mutual hatred triumphs over all.


It looks like someone on the right’s gonna have to spend time finding a definition for ‘freedom.’
Certainly nothing “new,” but something obscure that they’ve always been referring to.

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Confirmed the Xeet:


Like conservative libertarians, they confuse license – the ability to do what you want – with liberty, the latitude to do what is necessary.

Rather an oblique way of saying that it is unlikely either authoritarians or anarchists could distinguish freedom from a wet dream.


They will still vote for Trump, as the alternative is unthinkable for them.

Best we could hope for is that their racism makes them sit it out entirely (or cast their vote for RFK Jr. or smoother fringe candidate).


Thing is, when Vance previously called Trump Hitler, he hasn’t changed his views on Trump, he has changed his views on Hitler.


JD Vance is what you get if you let Donald Junior get wet or eat after midnight.


And Idaho?