Usual Cast Of Far-Right Extremists Goes Into Racist Tailspin Over JD Vance's Wife

So who will Usha vote for, her fellow daughter of a south Asian or a couple bigots who yell that her parents have no business being here. And as to her, f the 14th amendment. There is no birthright citizenship.


I mean, that sounds great and all, but so is ‘live’. :stuck_out_tongue:

“What kind of man marries somebody that isn’t a Christian?"

The woman who gave birth to Jesus for starters.


He doesn’t marry a woman that professes Jesus Christ?

Asks Nick. Has he ever asked what kind of a woman RENOUNCES Christ in order to marry a rich guy of a different faith? Just asking questions.

From what I’ve read…Jesus was born out of wedlock. Nick Fuentes who hasn’t been laid in his life is ragging on a beautiful, educated and bright women…just because she has that pretty skin and doesn’t have to lay out in the sun for a week to get it.


Ye reapeth what ye sow, or something like that. Vance wants to limit legal immigration as well (is this midwestern passive aggressiveness toward his mother-in-law who make him cook her curries?). He also espouses the “great replacement theory.” So I say, screw him and good luck to his opportunistic, naive wife.

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Gosh, just wait until they see JD’s wedding photos!


That wife was a Dem and switched at the drop of a coin to be aligned with a power hungry radical rightwing bigot. I have no sympathy for his wife.


OMG as the kids say. Yikes!

“There is an obvious Indian coup taking place in the U.S. right before our eyes,” he declared.

So stop it. Vote Democratic.


Did he ride in on the white horse? There have to be photos!

She wanted to assimilate & become part of Americas white majority & had no problem forsaking her cultural & religious history as America is the land of opportunity. She likely now spews all of Americas racial & cultural biases just like JD. She’s the perfect highly educated subjugated wife of a dominant white male raising kids to parrot their beliefs even as they happen to be brown & will have intense identity issues.

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Don’t they know that the wives - and women in general - don’t matter?

They sure are doing their damndest to make that happen.

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It is also a permission slip for them to assure themselves that they are not racist. Even if they have been spouting off about the color of her skin, they will vote for her husband…which proves to themselves in their twisted logic that they are not really
racist after all.


Flip flopping and tolerating the slurs aimed at your family are all part of today’s GQP. If it gets you ahead, what’s a little humiliation in the process. The wives probably get a good dose of that at home anyway.

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Could these hypocritical know-nothings please quit speaking for “god”?

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Hypocrisy is banal and the rightists are so much better at it. Ironic that the worst of the worst Rump lovers hate him as much as the never trumpers, but they are still too chicken shit of Maga cult to cross them in any way.

Of course, JD Vance having a wife from a different culture and darker skin is not a problem.

Unless of course he refuses to abandon all laws and decency to give Donald Trump the power he craves. So, Vance is perfect if Trump ever needs someone to not certify an opponent’s electoral win. Thankfully for Vance’s wife, Vance has already assured Trump that he is a complete lackey to Trump and totally willing to screw the people of the United States.

First thing my wife said re their marriage: ´That marriage won’t last. »

Living in a diverse suburb, I have seen people you would never think would join the anti-immigrant racist party AKA GOP do that. Weirdly, the white Republicans I know treat them as either useful idiots or pathogens to their party. The Republican Party is not the Tories or other conservative parties that aren’t deeply into white male dominance. Some newer arrivals don’t seem to realize how deep the hate of non-whites and non-Christians goes. If I try to explain, they say in exaggerating because I’m a bleeding heart liberal, or some bullshit like that. They will find out eventually.