Amid a flurry of executive actions meant to demoralize his opponents and flex his supposed “mandate” from a historically narrow election win, Donald Trump has begun the real work of neutering the government and punishing his enemies. In the first 24 hours of his presidency, that has entailed a vengeful stripping of security clearances, firing…
It helps when you’re wondering if you’re alone feeling this way and then see an article making it clear that was the expectation and the gleeful cruelty was to help keep people off-base and scattered.
Just stating the obvious here, the “shock and awe” is also aimed at R Senators, an attempt to establish a sense of inevitability for his cabinet nominations. How dare they oppose the King in his moment of triumph!
I’m hoping a few of the nominees like RFK Jr., Gabbard, and maybe Patel are radioactive enough that it won’t work. Not every R Senator is up for reelection in the midterms.
The Pentagon removed a portrait of former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley from a corridor filled with paintings of all of his predecessors.
Petty man does petty things. Bystanders respond with shock and awe.
I would suggest not some intrepid reporter but some semi-sane attorney. With the Executive Order stating sex is determined at conception that puts damn near everything on its girly little head !
I heard our criminal president has declared forthwith and heretofore that the Gulf of Mexico shall be therefore hereby mandated nationwide as having a new name.
Ugh, that mess. Honestly, that was the stupidest bit of ‘burnishing my legacy’ Biden could have pulled. VA ratified it in 2020. He could’ve released that statement on Day 1 and let the courts work it all out. Instead, he made a feel-good statement that’s going to fall apart when the Archivist continues to refuse to certify it (for perfectly valid reasons), leaving some people swearing it’s been ratified, and others swearing it hasn’t.