UK Ambassador Who Called Trump ‘Dysfunctional’ Resigns

Saddened, but not surprised. Did anybody really think that Darroch could continue to serve in his capacity as an Ambassador after pointing out the Emperor has no clothes? Fortunately, he should be able to land on his feet somewhere. Can’t say the same for the UK; I reckon someone Boris- with- the- bad- hair’s campaign had to be the one who leaked the story.


Then, sadly, it all makes sense.

And yes, I agree to an earlier poster’s position - Trump will take credit for the whole thing.

@eglot, then as someone stated above about vengeance being the UK voters’, will they elect Boris as the next PM after May? If they do, then no, there will be no vengeance except to completely destroy the western liberal world.


My favorite Darroch dis, Trump “radiates insecurity.”

Nailed it!


You are entirely correct to say that he was not wrong, and I suggest that his words be heralded, next to the assessments of people like Rex Tillerson and James Mattis.
In this man’s opinion, the so-called president is CLEARLY the inept, “f**king moron” that smarter men declare him too be.


I hope Hunt picks up enough votes to win because of this.


The collusion continues…

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Has all the markings of a Nigel Farage ratfuck move. Even if it wasn’t him personally I’d bet a lot of money he was involved. If there is any bright spot in all this it’s seeing that the UK is just as screwed up as the US, exposing their own government’s secret communications to poison the well of US-UK relations.


His resignation was inevitable. It would have happened even in more “normal” circumstances, though probably would have been done in a more quiet, out of the media spot light, sort of way.

Not that what he said was wrong…I suspect that most if not all of the foreign diplomats in D.C. have given similar assessments to the home countries since Trump came into the WH. Its part of their job.

But having such frank assessments made public to the hosting nation, pretty much makes working any other sort of diplomacy extremely difficult, to the point that its always better to replace the ambassador. The mission is more important than the individual.


Boris is but a passing fart in the wind. Shortly after he becomes PM, the country will see in plain sight what an utter ass and buffoon he is. We don’t put up with shit like Trump. If he starts f*cking things up the 1922 committee will have his testicles served on one of those lovely silver platters, just before the next general election. The sooner he sinks in the ignominy of his own creation the better.



It could all be political show, but May expressed “regrets” at his resignation.
But if the Prince in Waiting, Johnson, showed no backbone, it was inevitable.


A long time close relationship with Great Britain potentially destroyed. Telling Theresa May how to negotiate Brexit, calling her out for not listening to him. Words fail me.


The problem is that Boris the Clown is becoming PM at a particularly complicated time for the UK. They still haven’t solved the brexit conundrum, and he’s as likely as not to go unplanned hard brexit, complete with zombie apocalypse. Sure, an economic meltdown and thousands of deaths would dump him from office and destroy the tories for a decade (unless it doesn’t), but that’s a heck of a cost.


There is a leadership contest in the UK, Jeremy Hunt the Foreign Minister is one of the candidates… someone wanted to embarrass him. Basically a political dirty trick.


…and of elderberries…

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Wouldn’t it be grand if someone did an anthology of ambassador reports about trump? Prize on which ambassador found the most creative way to call Trump a moron.


. . . but only if his mother is a hamster.

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Answer is here:

I included the digression because I agree with it.

And as for why Johnson did what he did, well, he wants to hurt the incumbent PM, of course, and perhaps reinforce his alignment with Trump.

And why curry favor with Trump? Because, what with Brexit and all, the UK is pretty isolated at the moment and needs US support more than ever.


Now tell me what you really think!


Damn all those big California cities!!


Your lips to God’s ear, mate!