U.S. Will Delay Shipping Half Of Initial COVID Vaccine Supply | Talking Points Memo

Between this and Trump’s refusal to accept Pfizer’s offer to buy additional doses last summer, it’s hard to see this as mere incompetence and indifference and not outright corruption and profiteering. They’re almost certainly hoping to limit the supply so as to drive its resale price higher and make a massive killing (both literally and financially) off of it. If so, I view this as a capital crime for which I’m willing to make an exception to my opposition to the death penalty. Trump and his cronies are Harry Limes.


I feel sorry for you. You have become just as bad as the Trump-holes you hate so much.

Don’t wish death on anyone, ever.

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Lemme guess, when Biden goes to check on the 500k " emergency reserve", he’ll find it mysteriously depleted.


No, in cases like this governments hold all the cards, via force majeur if need be. Were Pfizer to refuse to accommodate a fair price request and make a number of doses that it’s capable of making, the feds would have every right and obligation to nationalize it for the duration of the pandemic and force it to comply. Not that Pfizer showed signs of being this greedy. Trump refused their offer of more doses to it’s on him, and most likely he did it out of corrupt intent.

I think he should be literally, well, I’m not going to use the actual word for fear that his SS goons might make something of it, but so long as it’s a lawful process, and ONLY if it’s a lawful process, then yes, he fully deserves it. FULLY. Not gonna happen, and probably shouldn’t happen, for other reasons. But morally and legally, 100%. This is not incompetence. This is EVIL.


I can only control what I do.

For me and my household, we will do the right thing and get the vaccine.

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Probably because for decades now Dems have been junior partners in enabling RW and corporatist evils, if only by not fighting them properly (but sometimes by actively helping them), out of either lack of sufficient concern or political cowardice, and hiding behind that palaver about “being more focused on kitchen table issues”, which is kind of empty if you have no kitchen or table.

This appears to be changing, but only due to outside pressure from their left flank, not out of genuine awakening.


Pfizer isn’t the only game in town. As long as all the varieties are available and cleared by the FDA, I’m not picky. But Pfizer will not be the only product in the American market. And that may be what prevents a calamity.


I just don’t get the kind of diseased ego and need for power that compels an 88 year old to run for reelection. She should be spending time with her great grandchildren.


OMG! Do you want to jump start the Rapture with this “mark of the beast” talk. I can see it already.

There’s also Johnson and Johnson, their Phase 3 Trial should be wrapping up soon. Hopefully it will have good results

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Not really off topic here, but quite interesting read about a visit to a hospital by the Governor of Oklahoma:

This is what will stall any first-rate efforts to do something about the virus, nationwide. We have nitwits like this in charge.


There is no reason to believe that Pfizer is not acting in good faith. I would think they are doing all they can do to increase production. Also, other new providers may have the same production problems that Pfizer is having, so do not bet on the other vaccines showing up ready to use any time soon. This will take time. Operation Warp Speed is irrelevant to this entire process. Also, responding to other comments, Defense Production Act will not speed up Pfizer’s production - and, also EU will not allow US to force Pfizer to ship vaccines from Belgium.


But the Defense Production Act should be initiated the day of the Inauguration (just before dinner time) to get PPE rolling again. That will help dramatically and show the American people that things are about to get real in the fight against this virus.

Shoulda been done six months ago, but don’t get me started (you know how I get).



I’ll raise you with a “Don’t judge anyone, ever.”

Thanks for playing.

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No. This article hints at it, but the press has failed to make clear that you have to divide the doses they say they can provide by 2 because it’s a two-shot vaccine.


The cupboards will be bare.


Absolutely. I’m confident that a large majority of the citizens in my town are highly motivated to get the vaccine as soon as it’s ready. I assume that will be the case in most population centers.


AntiVax’ers are like jerks who poach the internet off of their neighbors wifi.


Excellent analogy. :rofl:

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