U.S. Will Delay Shipping Half Of Initial COVID Vaccine Supply | Talking Points Memo

Ay, there’s the rub. If you can’t get people to wear a mask, how are you going to get them to take a vaccine? Especially with a Democrat illegally occupying the Oval Office? Throw in the anti-vaxxers and the folks who can’t be bothered to visit their local clinic and you’ve got major hot spots firing up all over the country for the foreseeable future.

Biden should offer a free chipped wrist band to anyone who chooses to vaccinate. Places of business could choose to only offer services to people with a wrist band, government buildings and schools could refuse entry without one, and individuals can choose to engage or not to engage with people who don’t wear one.

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Anyone understand why the Congressional Dems aren’t raising holy hell about how badly the vaccine purchasing and distribution has been screwed up? I get why Biden isn’t, but I have no idea why the Dems aren’t in front of every available camera keeping the focus on Trump’s failures. If they don’t place the blame on Trump now then all of this will be blamed on Biden next summer.


Exactly the plan right now. A conservative acquaintance told me a few weeks ago that he expected Biden to cure Covid immediately since that is what the left has been demanding of Trump. He was kind of kidding, but not really. Facts don’t matter. I think we can expect that the entire GOP will be true believers in the virus as Biden finishes his inaugural address and will be screaming bloody murder that he hasn’t solved the problem by January 23rd. We will be hearing about Biden’s failure on the Sunday shows on January 24.


Testing, Testing, Testing, getting rapid tests to check at home will get folks to isolate while most wait for the vaccine. The vaccine can’t do this job alone.


FWIW, I got the shingles vaccine last year. It requires two doses 60 days apart. The vaccine was in very short supply at the time, I was on a waiting list for about six months.
When I went to the pharmacy to get my first dose, I asked the pharmacist about availability of the second. She said policy required that they have both doses in stock before the call you. That seems to be SOP.


ditto, except that when the 60 days was up I was told the stock was gone, and needed to be on a second waiting list… took two weeks for the second call.


I think what the Biden team is probably discovering although not publicizing yet is this - that the tRump administration NEVER had any plans for inoculating the entire American populace.

They thought they could get away with vaccinating a certain cohort (and we know who they are) and that the much vaunted herd immunity and therapeutics would take care of the rest. That way Donnie John could take a double victory lap - one for pushing development of a vaccine and one for “I was right all along” suggesting that the vaccine wasn’t really necessary.


You left out the part where you could buy your way onto the vaccination list, for a mere thousand times the retail price of the vaccine.


He is hiding out lest tRump demand he refute the election results and/or Biden calls him out for his incompetence with the COVID task force.


it is not her world anymore…she is the past…the future belongs to the younger members…let them do their thing!


Omaha steaks ships thousands of steaks every day frozen with dry ice. The steaks stay frozen for days.

Yeah, but then there’s this:

Poll shows 61 percent of Americans likely to take COVID-19 vaccine (nationalgeographic.com)

And this was from seven days ago. I bet that number increases a bit as things progress.


Operation Derp Speed.


Because apparently nobody cares. It’s ok to screw up when you are Republican and have a complicit media that only cares about tantrums and not about real dangers to Americans.


What could go wrong?

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The funny* thing about this is that blue strongholds will take the vaccine at high percentages, while red strongholds will let god and freedom protect them.

*Funny in an ironic way. Although, I’ve grown so tired of these rural Trump-holes that I might start finding myself laughing at them for dying from a disease that we have already defeated.


That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

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What could go wrong is that the bottleneck is not the distribution of the vaccines and vaccination but that the manufacture of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines is still working out kinks. I suspect most doses are coming from Pfizer’s Belgium plant. It has been reported that Pfizer shipped vaccine via United Air from Belgium.

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I know people who are trying to find ways to do just that. The potential for corruption is amazing.