U.S. Will Delay Shipping Half Of Initial COVID Vaccine Supply | Talking Points Memo

Seriously question when - at what point - the true logistical experts got to be able to put their arms around this … and how much Trump / Jared - Stupidity they had to unwind.
Having been through some medical product roll outs … have to say… there is a lot of nonsense that has to be cleaned up between initial pie in the sky projections and actual sustainable operation … and it get 100X more difficult when there is a CEO spouting rainbows & sunshine …and promises that border on fantasy.


OT-oy, this is painful. Reminds me of many interactions I’ve had w/my mother over the last…7 years now.


It’s time she called it a day. She had a good run now time for the youngsters to show their stuff.




If there was ever a way to fuck this whole thing up you just know tRump would make sure that happened.

tRump maladministration motto: Malevolence multiplied by incompetence.


“Unexpectedly needed” means that new donors to Trump’s slush fund will need to be rewarded.


The administrations handling of this pandemic, from the early days when the spread was primarily localized in blue states, on, is redolent of malice.


Un expectedly needed. … 500,000 doses ?

  • a surge in outbreak in an area outside of the first phase targets …
  • an accident involving transport of supply … a collision, extended weather ( this is blizzard season)… a malfunction of ultra cold systems
  • a snafu at a delivery site … improper amounts prepared for use go unused because … patients don’t / can’t get to site … can’t inoculate people who aren’t there.
    … when doing an initial roll-out … count on screw ups. …count on the sterile product getting dropped on the floor 2-5% of the time … have a back up (but remember a back-up comes out of usable inventory)
  • and always under promise & over deliver … and when lives are on the line … never do the opposite

Difficult to truly come to grips with, yet difficult also to believe otherwise.


Here’s a question, if not already asked, because it will eventually become an issue:

Hypothetically (or hypodermically), if I get the Pfizer vaccine as my first dose and my second becomes due but there’s no Pfizer product available, can I do the Moderna or AZ vaccine in its place?

I’m thinking not as the product design is not that portable.


It seems to me that every new article about the vaccine roll-out will say that the supply will be smaller and the dates pushed back as reality gradually overcomes bullshit, until January 21st. Then the numbers will firm up.


Also national stockpiles of PPE are extremely low again, and were never restocked after many said the need was intensifying and ongoing.

When Biden’s team gets in to do a thorough review and assessment of where tRump’s lackeys left them with the covid response, I think they’re going to be overwhelmed to find out how little they’ve done in the last 9 months overall.

Which kinda reminds me…We haven’t heard boo about Mike Fucking Pence lately. Did the fall off the end of his flat earth or something?


Oh, c’mon, @Scoutmom - you know Vos will have no part of facilitating that decision. Much more important that he continues to make Evers look impotent to the Wisconsinites.


No, and doubling up on vaccine types is highly contraindicated. They didn’t test that, and you don’t wanna find out the hard way, though I’m sure some people with more money than sense will find a way to do it.


Not as things stand, no.


Hey, folks;

I’ve been recounting the story of my friend in UAE that got the first dose of the Chinese vaccine. Reached out to her this am to see how she’s faring:

Hi! I have had zero after-effects, same news from my coworkers who have gotten the shots.

So I’ll be watching now for the UAE numbers to start decreasing. I imagine in a couple of weeks we’ll begin hearing any feedback from UK as well.


On January 22nd it becomes Biden’s fault.


Meanwhile, probably every idiot still remaining in the WH has gotten a vaccine and now they really won’t have to wear masks.

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Yes … but …in this case … let’s…find a way to let her retire in. …say … June. … after the new Senator from California has gotten unpacked…


I agree: the evidence for the idea is suasive and I accept it on that level. To fully take it in, and incorporate it emotionally, is beyond me.