U.S. Will Delay Shipping Half Of Initial COVID Vaccine Supply | Talking Points Memo

I think Pfizer is doing the best they can. It’s really a monumental task to make billions of doses of a brand new product. I’ve been peripherally involved with seasonal flu vaccine and making 100 million or so doses by a tried and true methodology is a huge undertaking, so I can only imagine how many people are working round the clock (while the President thinks only of his own bruised ego and spends his non-golf time scheming to overturn an election).

But not taking the additional doses, which apparently were offered repeatedly, was just criminal. We’re spending trillions over this pandemic and this was a couple of billion.


Please, you’re breaking my heart.

So, Hitler, Stalin, Trump, off the table, because reasons.

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Don’t post saying your are laughing at the deaths of rural trump-holes. You invited the judgment.

Yes, this should have been mentioned in the article. The vaccine needs to be stored at -80°C. If they end up shipping it all out to places that don’t have enough freezer space to store it for a month until the second shot, it’ll be worthless.

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All dead mass murders, but Kansas farmers who only hear Sinclair Broadcasting talk shows aren’t mass murderers. They are Americans even if they vote Republican.

… and … was just thinking … for the first wave of patients (which will be scrutinized - very very closely)
It might be wise to have their first dose & their second dose come from the same (first) production run.
… no idea what variables might exist - but if the are some anomalies / unanticipated patient experiences - it would take out the question of whether it could /should be attributed in any way to production batch one or production batch two .


You obviously didn’t read my post. Go look up some terms like “rhetorical device,” and “hyperbole,” then reread my post. If you still feel like you need to judge me, go find someone else who cares.


You don’t need a wristband silly, the microchip is injected into you with the vaccine!


My problem is I read your post. I took it seriously, because it wasn’t funny.

I do not know the sourcing for the very first batches … but

do know that things are operating at top speed in Michigan -

I know that the first doses for Canada are coming from Belgium. Michigan is closer (except maybe for Newfoundland)…

It’s ok they already have herd mentality.

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The maskless deniers will only do it if it’s free and just for a lark.

Honestly, I don’t care. I will do what’s right for me.

I’m not in favor of interfering with anyone’s medical care, personally. Now if the government does it, like they do for kids starting school, that’s another story. But there’s nothing I can personally do to force someone to do what’s right. I can only control my own behavior.

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And now, this:

S.D. lawmaker diagnosed with COVID-19 after attending dinner at Gov. Noem’s mansion (argusleader.com)

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They will if their employer requires it. And in general, employers can, because there are sound business reasons why a vaccinated workforce will be good for business. Also, they can and may well offer incentives, either reduced health insurance premiums, as they do with quitting smoking or exercising, or cash payments.

In the end, barring a spate of really bad reactions, more people will take it than many think.


I sure wish I had invested in super cold freezer manufacturing a couple of months ago.

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At this point, I’m not as interested in whether various republicans, anti-maskers, etc contract covid unless there’s a positive outcome such as their incapacitation.

“When I learned (this morning) about the positive test — which was this morning — I asked the senator for permission to notify senators that were in Pierre yesterday,” said Lee Schoenbeck, the Watertown Republican serving as President Pro Tempore in the Senate.

Seriously, you had to ask for permission to notify people they might have infected?


You left out professional athletes.

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So we have the military controlling the distribution of the Covid 19 vaccine.

Oh good. Where was the military or where is the military on the need for PPD supplies? You know, the current shortage of masks, tests, and etc. But now, they want to control who gets the vaccine in the US!

No wonder the smarter generations before us made sure the military was led by civilian leaders…the President and a none military head of the Pentagon. But Trump and now Biden want the military to be headed by one of the Generals. Sorry folks - we have already proven time and again that our current generation is far dumber than those that came before us. Great example: just look at what happened when we repealed Glass-Steagall and deregulated banks during baby Bush-Cheney…we crashed the economy!