“everyone needs to hear the tape”
Please do. I am going to enjoy hearing the multiple ricochets as they shoot themselves in the foot.
This smacks a lot of ego and revenge versus anything practical for them. So Texas.
Who does Patrick want installed in that position, someone who owes him favors?
Is the economy tanking not because of the huge deficit, pointless tariffs, and an incompetent President, but because there are people anticipating a Democratic victory in Nov 2020?
If it happens anyway, it’ll be “because we almost elected a Democrat”.
I thought it was all because Obama set Trump up to fail by reviving the economy at just the proper time to ensure that a recession was inevitable 3 years into Trump’s term…
Meh, this is actually the practical choice.
Get things out now, because you know the tapes aren’t going to disappear, then it’s very old news by the time the election rolls around. Let it fester for just a few more months, you’re already into election year, and the longer you wait, the fresher the news and the potential for it to impact things.
I referenced this earlier this morning. I didn’t realize there are tons of articles out today on it.
It definitely feels attached to a lot of things today. One thing is if they are being truthful, even if I expect it is a ploy, then Donald has problems coming at him from another direction. Just at the time Trump is trying to deflect what looks like a serious recession possibility, these guys are all now committing to the idea they have to be socially responsible to the community. So how do they back that up if they support the Republicans at this point?
Bonnen is no moderate. He just prioritizes the dismantling of government over needless shaming of trans kids, the latter of which is actively disfavored among the businesses he ruthlessly services.
Still has the cutting your nose off to spite your face feel.
I’m not vouching for him one fucking way or the other. I was replying to the comment about the problem between Patrick and Bonnen. It’s a real thing.
I really thought I wanted that tape released until I heard Dan Patrick also wanted it.
I’m in TX and have watched Abbott’s longevity, and Patrick’s ascendance, with disgust: they are as cynical and corrupt as can be. That said, and though I’m not well-informed on the innards of this story, I’m guessing that we are in the earlier stages of an NRA-style dust-up between different factions of corrupt GOP grifters.
Shades of Jeff Gannon, access for phony journalists.
Oh, just release the tape already. It’s not like anyone got peed on…right???
He metaphorically shat on 10 Republicans, but, as far as I know, no actual pee involved. But we are talking about Republicans…
Well, if your option is cutting off your nose now and letting the wound heal, or later and having it fresh…
It’s not about good options here, it’s about the less-worse option.
The one thing you can say about Epstein is that he never hid his proclivities for young girls. In fact, it was an open secret among his many acquaintances. So if Prince Andrew is saying -despite spending significant social time with Epstein -that he was unaware of this, that just doesn’t compute.
That’s about right. I haven’t followed it that closely either but it’s inescapable at this point. What was an internal war got public.
They are the most corrupt bunch of assholes we’ve ever had in our executive branch and man that is saying a hell of a lot.
It is indeed saying a lot.
I’m still waiting for the this recession is all Obama’s fault. Which we’ll get if the recession bits before November 2020.
This Administration is so predictable. Deny, deny, deny…wait that’s not working? Blame Fake News! Hmm, not working? Blame Obama!