Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick weighed in on the secretly recorded meeting debacle Monday, saying that “everyone needs to hear the tape” and to let House Speaker Dennis Bonnen’s fate “fall where it does.”
It’s almost like all the wingnuts are having huge pie fights if the pies were the norms that used to help the society function and none of the pie recipients had even faux dignity so it’s more sad than funny, this pie fight. : (
Someone replaced half the Scrabble tiles with blanks. The further along we get the players are having a hard time coming up with words that make any sense at all. This game is going to end with a lot of dumb shits with names like Pence and Barr holding hands full of tiles that have absolutely no value at all. History will score every last one of them as colossal losers.
“Dennis has asked for tape to be released — put it out there and let people, House members, decide — I think it’s fair since he asked for it to be released, since he’s been accused of things on the tape, to let the public hear it,” Patrick said
Oh geez, I hope Bonnen isn’t on tape bragging about grabbing women’s genitals with impunity. He’ll be the next fricking President.
Bonnen: “Oh, you t’ink you got th’ stones t’ mess wit’ me? Go ahead, release the damn tape!”
GOP: “No, don’t listen to him! That’s not how we do things! Cover it up! Cover it up!!”
Have to watch what gets peeled back in the Epstein files. Despite Barr’s best efforts, including offing the core perp and witness, looks like that story isn’t going anywhere.
The Brits are having a field day with Prince Andrew and the latest pictures of him saying goodbye to a rather young lady at Epstein’s place in 2010…
Dan Patrick wants to go back to demagoguing anti-trans bathroom bills again. Bonnen wasn’t having any of that nonsense this session, so Patrick needs to get rid of Bonnen in favor of someone more enthusiastic about the Republican war on culture.
Last 10 recessions:
start date president
Dec 2007 Bush II ®
Mar 2001 Bush II ® (arguably the result of late Clinton stock bubble)
July 1990 Bush I ®
July 1981 Reagan ®
Jan 1980 Carter (D)
Nov 1973 Nixon ®
Dec 1969 Nixon ®
O I know you’re right - Bonnen is considered a moderate. Patrick is a raging radical and there was already a problem between those factions so this whole thing is very complicated by differing lines of hatred and warfare.
@psudawnc - You win! I wish I had said it first. hahahahahahahaha