Two Generals Have Now Issued Dire Warnings That Trump Is A Fascist

What are you going to do I guess, but the part I hate is that Rs are going to look at the Kelly’s and Milley’s - not as warnings, but potential strategy moving forward for elections. We’re going to be flooded with rightwing grifters that the media will hold on the same level of significance.


Not that this was his intent, but having these headlines at this critical point in the campaign works well. He should have been more vocal all along, though, show some damned integrity.


I don’t know - yes he should have spoken up while trump was still in office warning of this. He could have spoken out at either of the impeachment trials.

But I don’t think it’s too late - if he had spoken out earlier this year it would have been forgotten by now and trump and his cronies would have whitewashed it.

It’s out there now being discussed with 2 weeks to go - this hopefully will give some republicans a reason to pause and say do I REALLY want to be responsible for re-electing this convicted felon.



Rock legend Bruce Springsteen will headline Vice President Kamala Harris’ first joint rally with former President Barack Obama in Atlanta on Thursday, kicking off a series of concerts in battleground states.


Trump is the only president in history to praise the Nazi regime. Eisenhower had the good sense to get the photographers into the death camps to document them. He knew that there would be some Tucker Carlson type doubtful of them, right down to the goofy quizzical look on their faces. Even Reagan, who laid a wreath at Bitburg apparently for post war healing didn’t say “they did some good things”.


I don’t know how much credence to give any work product of the Trump II transition operation here in October, but for your awareness ABC News has
gotten ahold of a personnel roster titled “Transition Planning: Legal Principals” that lists U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon – who famously dismissed Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified documents indictment – second among nearly a dozen potential candidates for attorney general.

Are you shitting me. This is an indictment of the entire judicial branch.


Let’s say Trump wins. A squeaker in the truest sense of the word, a hypothetical 50.1% to 49.9% tally. And we take for granted he sets about charting a course of fascism, authoritarianism, lawlessness, assorted grifts and personal enrichments, and composing his government of like-minded, incompetent criminals, sycophants and stooges. Have we ever had a government where ½ the populace feels they’re being forced to live under conditions diametrically opposed to what they thought a democracy should be? Not a government that was at odds with their beliefs on abortion, or gun rights, or taxation. But a government that sets about doing almost everything contrary to what was believed for 250 years to be what the United States was all about. ½ the populace thinking they’ve entered an almost intolerable Twilight Zone? A zone of fear, revenge, retribution, mass deportations and blatant criminality. I’m not sure if Trump wins it all holds together.



That’s HUGE to the third power. :smiley:


People like this are why I don’t shop at Walmart.


He looks like he is attentively watching the CNN interviews and hearing the John Kelly audio recording to the NYT reporter. Very serious little guy.


With major assistance from you know who.

It’s not news!


On cue, Brian Kilmeade thinks it would be dandy to have a fascist in the WH.


The irony being that no way was Trump rooting for the Steelers over the NY Jets.

Trump is a New Yorker and a personal friend of New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, who briefly served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom during Trump’s administration.

The Steelers have been owned by the Rooney family for more than 90 years and late president/chairman Dan Rooney served as the U.S. ambassador to Ireland from July 2009 to December 2012 during the Barack Obama presidency.


IIRC, the woman involved in the incident was an Arlington staffer, not regular Army. I’m guessing that her name will be redacted because she wants to remain anonymous.

As for video, I’d be surprised if there is any in Army records. Arlington is huge, I doubt there are cameras covering the entire place. The Trump campaign claims to have video of the event, but of course they’re not going to release it.


It has to be something in the water, right? I mean the amount of “devoted followers of DJT” is really past the tipping point of becoming deranged.


It’s not just Fox. Fox is just up front about it.


If he had resigned as COS when Trump called the war dead, including his own son, “ suckers and losers”, it might have had more of an impact than this last minute confession after millions of people have already voted.

But this is me- a grudge holder extraordinaire.


So she’s the doyenne of cab drivers, or does this cover Uber and Lyft as well?