Two Generals Have Now Issued Dire Warnings That Trump Is A Fascist

Originally published at: Two Generals Issue Dire Warnings That Trump Is A Fascist

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. John Kelly Goes On The Record In on-the-record interviews with The Atlantic and NYT, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly issued new warnings about the danger Donald Trump poses to American democracy if he is re-elected…

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Voted and got my notification it’s been counted!


Surprisingly, these remarks are getting coverage in the MSM.

I guess better to be late than never in warning about the rising fascism on the right. :man_shrugging:


Hooray, we can comment. I’m feeling better about this election every day.

19 yo Mesa doesn’t like having her meditation session interrupted.



:musical_note:Donald has only got one ball
J. D. Has two but very small :musical_note:


So while people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger put their careers on the line to try to warn people about Trump, Brave Brave Sir Kelly offered anonymous quotes off-the-record to journalists.

I guess he and Colin Powell (cf My Lai whitewash) are examples of the kind of ass-kissing careerists that rise through the ranks in the military. Not the kind who would establish a military junta if the political system collapses, as has happened in plenty of other countries in this hemisphere. No, those kind are hanging back and biding their time.



Meanwhile a brainwashed relative posted this on Facebook.
That ass wouldn’t last 10 seconds on a football field.


Reposting from another thread now that comments are open


He’s only attacking my neighbors? Easy choice!


And while the generals speak of TFG as a fascist, Alina Habba has other thoughts.

White conservatives spend far too much time propagandizing non-whitewashed Black history and denying the existence of systemic racism in America to be invoking the names of Black civil rights leaders who fought against systemic racism throughout Black history. It’s just tiring as hell when anti-Black Lives Matter, anti-diversity, anti-affirmative action, anti-critical race theory and anti-woke white people start gaslighting Black people by shouting out Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Frederick Douglass and others at their convenience knowing they would have attacked those civil rights icons if they were still alive today and still calling America the racist country that it demonstrably is.

Yes, the people who are anti DEI, racism deniers are using civil rights leaders to compare him to. And yes, they are including Nelson Mandela as American civil rights leader.


It’s telling that whoever created that ludicrous picture moved Trump’s enormous belly to his crotch.


IMHO John Kelly is a shithead. Why didn’t he speak up when it might have mattered? This is just a cynical attempt at last minute redemption. Party over country.


chat with gpt speculating on the steep rise in Truth Social stock

Here’s a more detailed connection between Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance, Polymarket’s influence, and Truth Social’s stock surge, broken down into four key points:

1. Peter Thiel’s Connection to J.D. Vance:

Peter Thiel has long been an influential backer of J.D. Vance, providing critical financial support that helped Vance secure his Senate seat in Ohio. Thiel’s $10 million donation to a super PAC backing Vance demonstrates the depth of their connection, which goes beyond political finance and into shared ideologies. Both Thiel and Vance espouse a brand of conservative-libertarian politics that critiques globalization and champions economic nationalism. Vance’s rise in Republican politics gives Thiel a direct line to influence government policy through a trusted ally in the Senate​



2. Polymarket’s Influence and Lean Towards Trump:

Polymarket, the prediction market platform owned by Thiel, allows users to bet on political outcomes, including the 2024 presidential election. Recently, it has shown strong confidence in Trump winning the election, with odds heavily favoring him. This betting behavior can influence broader market perceptions by framing Trump as a viable candidate, even amidst his legal troubles and erratic behavior. Since prediction markets often reflect or shape public sentiment, Polymarket’s lean toward Trump could contribute to creating a sense of inevitability around his victory. Thiel’s strategic investments in platforms like Polymarket may help reinforce a narrative that Trump remains the most likely Republican nominee​



3. Truth Social’s Stock Surge:

Trump’s Truth Social has seen a significant rise in its stock price recently, despite ongoing controversies surrounding the former president. This rise is partially driven by speculation and support from Trump loyalists, but it’s also likely influenced by the broader media ecosystem that includes platforms like Rumble (where Thiel is a major investor), which provides cloud services for Truth Social. The connection between these platforms helps amplify Trump’s messaging, which in turn boosts investor confidence in Truth Social. As Trump’s political viability rises (partially fueled by platforms like Polymarket), Truth Social’s stock benefits, creating a feedback loop where political and financial interests intertwine​


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4. Polymarket’s Influence on Truth Social’s Stock:

Polymarket’s odds in favor of Trump winning the 2024 election may also be influencing the stock price of Truth Social. As betting markets like Polymarket increasingly signal confidence in Trump’s candidacy, it can create a ripple effect in the stock market, where investors bet on the success of platforms closely tied to Trump’s political fortunes. The rise in Truth Social’s stock could be partly driven by this perceived electoral advantage. Investors see Trump’s potential re-election as a catalyst for the growth of Truth Social, and Polymarket’s predictions reinforce that optimism. Thus, the stock surge of Truth Social is not happening in isolation but could be indirectly driven by Thiel’s broader efforts through Polymarket to maintain Trump’s viability as a candidate​

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Connecting the Dots:

Peter Thiel’s political and financial influence extends across multiple platforms and domains. His support of J.D. Vance positions him as a key player in shaping Republican politics. Simultaneously, his ownership of Polymarket and involvement in platforms like Rumble and Truth Social enables him to influence market perceptions and amplify Trump’s message. As Trump’s candidacy gains momentum (fueled by Thiel’s network), Truth Social’s stock benefits, and a future where J.D. Vance could step in via the 25th Amendment becomes a plausible scenario in the minds of political insiders.

In this ecosystem, Thiel’s strategic influence links financial markets, political betting, and social media, creating a coordinated push that enhances both Trump’s immediate political viability and the long-term positioning of Thiel’s allies like Vance​



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How many socks are stuffing that jockstrap?


Unfortunately, it appears the makeup was really the only thing holding her face structurally together at this point,” said a medical responder who spoke with reporters on the condition of anonymity and confirmed that everything from Guilfoyle’s eyebrows to her lips had “slid right off” after she applied micellar water to her face, leaving a gruesome scene behind and exposing her bare skull. “It was absolutely horrific.

Haven’t seen Mrs VH laugh that hard in a long time.


Trump’s current campaign manager shared statements blaming him for J6 ‘insurrection’

Chris LaCivita, Donald Trump’s current campaign co-manager, reposted statements on social media condemning the violent and deadly January 6, 2021 insurrection and attack on the U.S. Capitol–and blaming Donald Trump for that day’s violence.

“On January 6, 2021, LaCivita reposted several posts that harshly condemned Trump, suggesting that even some of his closest allies once viewed the deadly outcome as a direct result of Trump’s lies,” CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski reports.

Among them, “a statement on January 6 from former President George W. Bush, who expressed ‘disbelief and dismay’ at the violent assault on the Capitol, calling it ‘a sickening and heartbreaking sight.’”

“I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement,” Bush’s statement read. “The violent assault on the Capitol - and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress - was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes.”


More proof of what a joke the Los Angeles Times has become

L.A. Times’ Billionaire Owner Blocks Paper’s Planned Endorsement in Presidential Race

The Los Angeles Times won’t endorse a candidate in this year’s presidential election–per its billionaire owner’s request, according to Semafor. Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong ordered the paper’s editorial board–which has solely endorsed Democratic candidates since it resumed making presidential endorsements in 2008–not to endorse a presidential candidate this year despite its plans to do so, executive editor Terry Tang told the staff earlier this month. It’s why in the paper’s lengthy endorsement list last week, which noted how this year’s election was “the most consequential election in a generation” and separately made reference to Kamala Harris’ infamous “coconut tree” remark, no presidential candidate was found. It is the second instance of reported meddling by Soon-Shiong in the paper’s affairs in the last year. In January, executive editor Kevin Merida resigned after Soon-Shiong tried to block a story that accused one of his friends’ dogs of biting a woman in a Los Angeles park. Soon-Shiong, a doctor who made his fortune in biotechnology and associated himself with Donald Trump during his first presidency, denied the accusation. The paper declined to comment. “We do not comment on internal discussions or decisions about editorials or endorsements,” it said.


This could be explosive if actually released by the Army and then to the public this Friday. Pure speculation, but I wonder if the woman officer was in any way pressured by her Army superiors to drop the charges? Also wonder if the cemetery has relevant security video footage - I assume that would also have to be released.

I’m still hot about that incident.