Originally published at: Trump’s Long, Not Terribly Convincing Con On Abortion Policy Is Over - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Donald Trump’s Week One actions on abortion appear to be just as brazen and trollish as his attempts on the campaign trail to convince voters he’d moderated on abortion. (And that is not to suggest that things won’t take a yet more sinister — and substantive — turn in the days to come.) Throughout 2024,…
This feels like 1984.
We’re on our own here - no help forthcoming from any government agency. He doesn’t really give a shit about abortion (no profit margin and no clubhead speed) so he has turned it all over to the salivating dogs of anti-choice.
Those stories about women dying just because they have a complication with their pregnancy will become as common as school shootings and much less interesting. Shoulder shrug time - yeah, it’s very sad, but…
I fully expect the Russ Voughts of the admin to do everything in their power to punish the states where abortion is still legal.
I was talking with a member of the Canadian Border Patrol today. His job has changed dramatically in the last 2 days.
The US and Canada have (forever) shared information about people crossing the border … criminal records, birth records, etc. The US has now slammed the portal shut, so Canada has no access to information about people crossing the border that used to be (days ago) SOP.
So now, instead of mining information pertinent to allowing people into Canada, my acquaintance is patrolling a railroad crossing into the the US. It’s important to note that last year 78 people were found trying to “break into the US” from Canada. And the oceans of meth that ostensibly are pouring into the US from Canada amount to .002 percent of the problem.
Canada has very strict gun control laws. Guns crossing the US border illegally is a huge problem here. This information shut-down has very real, and very detrimental consequences.
DJT’s attempt to claim any moral high ground on any public policy or legislative matter is really rich (and hypocritical as hell).
Or 1849 -
“All of our Jesuses are (semi) criminal-background checked!”
Beginning to wonder if this new administration is jumping the shark. I keep running in to Nazi references and not in a positive way. Musk brought it all into focus with his Sieg Heil moment. And so many actions Trump is taking, or should I say his people, are patently trying to turn the government into a white man’s club only, the rich ones at least. Not sliding it in quietly into place. This is ridiculous and it is only day three.
No Republican has been successful in talking to women by phone without surrendering their credit card number…
Stefanik will get confirmed, sooooooooo
how California violated the rights of two religious organizations that wanted to offer health plans that excluded coverage for abortion.
So, the Supreme Court will support me too in demanding my right to a cable tv service that does not include paying Fox, which I consider an obscenity?
Trump = “Goof of America”
"Real hair and beard - no wigs! See for yourself - use FaceTime for an extra $15.50
“Autographed picture just $25 - Personalized to YOU with Official Heavenly Seal for only an extra $29.95.”

Stefanik will get confirmed, sooooooooo
Newwww York! If you can… make it there… you can…
The Supreme Court will support you in whatever you can afford.
Her district is technically safe, but…
There is that venmo thingie. So not all the time.