Trump's Latest Press Strategy: Reading Off A Piece Of Paper In Front Of Reporters

" . . . we’re gonna bring prices way down, we’re gonna get it done fast. With her it’s just talk."


It doesn’t matter if it’s unfair (I don’t think it is, given his own odious behavior and remarks), and it doesn’t matter if he’s pathetic (which he certainly is). He deserves to be attacked (verbally, mind you, even if some among us would love to slap him around a bit too). Let the verbal barrage begin!


If only he can find a landing strip, one without a “Past Due”.

Time’s are tough. The man’s got bills to pay, bills like nobody’s ever seen before   ; - )


“I think I’m entitled to personal attacks.”

“After what they’ve done to me, I have no choice but to hit them”


“Go get 'em, Stephen.”

Another clown show, this time at Badmonster Burial Grounds.


He said on the day Biden signs a deal to bring down prescription drug prices
And then there’s this


It is because, in his heart of hearts, he has always known he was not “normal”. He doesn’t laugh, he hates animals, he has no idea what love or friendship is, and the only emotions he ever experiences are elation, depression or crushing boredom. He is the ultimate dopamine addict, craving to be mentioned in the media every hour all day long every day. When he gained this power, to make the media pay attention to him at his whim, he was like a crack addict who had discovered an Everest sized mountain of crack. He will never be able to stop now that he has had that level of attention.
He is the saddest and most pathetic of human beings, and because of his willingness to do anything to feed the black hole of his ego, he is one of the most dangerous.


Harris and Biden = TEAM!

Pence and Trump = NO TEAM!

Tells it all!

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I can’t think of a single judge in Massachusetts who would not approve a petition to appoint a guardian.


thanks, i was wondering this too

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yes, and I think he should eat some


Like the Cheerios. I haven’t seen Cheerios in a long time, I’m gonna take them back with me.

Cheerios? You mean the one branded item that can be found in like 99.5% of this nation’s pantries? That’s the item you haven’t seen in a long time?

I’m not so sure JFKJr is the one with the brainworm.


There you go again, talking like Trump was actually saying something intelligible about policy or governance. Does it matter? We know the reporters were just trying to tee him up for a newsworthy rant. And he couldn’t even bring the energy to do that for them.


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Testing, testing

Another day of no trump “coronary incident”


If I got there early could I play 18. I promise I’ll let him win.

We have original Cheerios (me) and Honey Nut Cheerios (my wife) at all times. In the spring we add strawberries, in the summer blueberries, and then bananas through the fall and winter. Joe loves ice cream and Barack loved a good PB&J. The simple things.


Haagen Daz vanilla chocolate chip ice cream after dinner. Lunch is Laura Scudder chunky peanut butter on homemade bread.
Yum. Simple things


Keep him in the rough lookin’ fer his ballz.


Why does the slobbering media even cover these carnival side-shows? They aren’t press conferences — the fawning media hacks are once again willingly being duped into giving Trump countless hours of free campaigning on the airwaves.

It’s just a good thing that Trump is such a deranged, demented, imbecilic clown that all the free press is actually dragging him down further, but that still doesn’t excuse the way the press breathlessly rushes to cover these debacles.