Originally published at: Trump’s Latest Press Strategy: Reading Off A Piece Of Paper In Front Of Reporters - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Donald Trump held another press conference on Thursday, this time outside of his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he succeeded in dragging a bunch of reporters to his front stoop so he could read off a piece of paper before answering a series of softball questions that gave him a runway to touch…
I hope he takes that milk that has been sitting in the sun and 90 degrees for 5 hours and pours it over a bowl of Cheerios in his “cottage.” Then maybe eat one of those sausages.
I have some wealthy friends who have second homes that are larger than my primary home that they call cottages. Quaint. Only 6 bedrooms and 4.5 baths.
What if Trump threw a party and nobody came?
He’d be ludicrous if he weren’t so vile.
He’d have his way with all the Cheerios?
I would like to thank the TPM staff for watching TSF so us mere mortals don’t have to. I hope Josh gives hazard pay!
“I think I’m entitled to personal attacks.”
To be fair, that is his policy platform.
The right size…so I hear
“ranting about “bird cemeteries” while trying to remind voters that he’s going to push to expand fracking, “drill baby drill””
The R’s have a fixation we are not producing enough oil and that we need to do more fracking. Not sure we can do much more except drilling on Federal lands. But, without question we are already producing more oil than anyone else. One more Trump lie.
“I think I’m entitled to personal attacks.”
That really just says it all, doesn’t it?
This belongs in a Harris-Walz ad. Just replay it for 30 or 60 seconds. Or let former teacher Walz unpack every word (excluding “to”).
And he ‘thinks’ this proves that Kamala can’t do a press conference?
I suppose the hole in the loop is the proper size for him, and then jd can find them under his couch cushions.
oh,btw, how does jd get some strange? moves to the other end of the couch.
I just visited the NYT website and there is not one word about TSF’s “press conference”.
Re: Trump’s Latest Press Strategy
Now this is the way to cover a Trump presser. Or rally. Or any of those public things he sometimes appears in. Thanks, and keep it up! Maybe the “lamestream media” will start picking up your articles.
Bird Cemeteries? Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge is known for a spot to go go bird watching!
There’s gotta be one or two Republicans questioning their lives right now. Party’s over sycophants. This guy is a bum.
“I think I’m entitled to personal attacks,” says the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger).
OK, no problem. But, now the Dems have to show Donny what personal attacks look like when there are 10,20,50, or 100 in a day.
On a daily basis, every Dem Representative and Senator needs to put out a statement listing at least 3 of Captain Bone spurs’ “shortcomings”:
- Only man to ever go bankrupt as a casino owner, and he did it twice!
- A convicted felon on 34 counts, which will probably result in jail time!
- An adjudicated rapist, and there are probably many more women who have not come forward, fearing retaliation!
- The first President to foment an insurrection with the purpose of a coup!
- An obvious racist!
- An old man completely unable to accept that he was not born on 3rd base after hitting a triple!
- A pathetic narcissist who can’t accept that he did not exceed MLK’s 250,000 crowd at the “I had a dream” speech!
- A draft dodger!
- Yada, yada, yada!
Politics is not bean bag, it is a full contact sport! The Dems must embrace this and create the greatest defamation movement in the history of the world!