Trump's Authoritarian Promise Is Distilled Into A Single Paragraph

I realize that this has been said many times before, but why can we simply not be rid of this orange fuckstick? Is there nothing he can say or do that will make the cult members say to themselves, “you know, this is getting ridiculous. First he thinks he’s Jesus and now he thinks he’s Stalin.”


Still no position on the cost of all day ice cream cones.


The inclusion of a word with four syllables is pretty strong evidence by itself.


“Concatenation”? Excel users everywhere are rejoicing!


Just recognize that sometimes doing so doesn’t get to the outcome we want. We’ve seen the uphill climb now for the last several months at marginalizing TIFBG and his minions. Today, the polls appear to say that he’s tied or even leading Harris. The yelling about him has been going on for weeks and it appears to have had little to no impact.

Sometimes, we just don’t get what we want. Recognize that sometimes the outcome is ‘no’.


Just sitting here this morning trying to figure out why the race has tightened. No explaination comes to mind except the media wants a close race. Public polls paid for by media outfits can never be trusted.


The coming presidential debate is not actually going to be a ‘debate’. Donald Trump cannot debate: he is totally ignorant of policies and facts and lacking in any intellectual discipline. It is going to more closely resemble a high stakes poker game, where Mr. Trump will probe for weaknesses, and then try to intimidate his opponent when he finds them. I think VP Harris will do fine on policy (she actually has some…) but I hope she keeps the meta factors in mind. Whatever she does, she cannot allow herself to appear to be intimidated, because that is all the MSM will talk and write about the next day.


They are a cult, they have been sipping the Flavoraid for nine years, they will go down with the shit.


A real life elderly Bart Simpson. I’ve been trying to figure who trump is in his fantasy reality. Thanks for clearing that up for me



About one hundred and sixty five years after the start of the American Civil War, and there’s a large group of folks who want to re-litigate whether one human may own another. JHFC.

Why is Ken Paxton not in jail already? What, exactly, is the hold up?


She’s been a prosecutor for how many years? I think she’ll be the one doing the intimidating, but the media will then write her off as an angry black woman. She’ll do just fine among the people that can actually see with their own eyes which person is more qualified for the Presidency.


I often wonder about voters who support Trump, I mean WTF. But imagine the people who WORK for him – what in the world is that about? He probably doesn’t pay well, and he’s likely a boss who berates you and calls or texts in the middle of the night. In this economy, they could do better unless they’re awful weirdos, which, I guess I answered my own question…


Unfortunately not. Whatever the cult members may think about Mr. Trump as a person, they want the same outcomes that he does, and they know that no other GOP pol can deliver them.


Agree 100%.


Didn’t he just have that news conference last week, surrounded by his legal team, when he said publicly that they did a terrible job on his behalf?

Trump slams legal team as they look on. Maggie Haberman has theory why | Watch (


And people think putting DFG in an iron coffin, with spikes on the inside, is taking a long time.


My thought exactly


I don’t think Trump believes he can win as his ceiling is too hard. But, hey, if you’re grabbing at straws might as well launch a crypto platform before your media and presidential plans collapse. A good grifter keeps many irons in the fire.


I have often said that Chump was used to dealing with skilled and determined people. Sure, he got his ass beat all over the Eastern Seaboard…but he did manage to keep afloat somehow. By always punching down, always screwing over the more helpless people, and either creating a huge stink (or threatening to) and pull banks and others down into the sewer with him.

But when he landed in politics, he had never dealt with such cowards and weaklings, they dropped trou and grabbed ankles at the mere rumor of his approach. HE didn’t do that, the RW electorate seems to have selected for that.

Now, we get confirmation that is exactly what happened. He even said it in his own words at the beginning of all this:

It wasn’t until the 2016 election that Trump achieved real prominence in U.S. politics — and he has dominated the GOP ever since.

The Atlantic’s Mark Leibovich discusses that dominance in a think piece published Monday, delving into how Trump pulled it off.

Leibovich recalls a conversation with Trump in 2015, when he launched his first presidential campaign as a Republican. Trump, according to Leibovich, said he was used to dealing with “brutal, vicious killers” — which was his view of people in real estate and gambling.

The journalist recalls, “In contrast, he told me, politicians are saps and weaklings.” And Trump boasted to Leibovich, “I will roll over them.”

Trump, according to Leibovich, understood the mentality of Republican politicians — and former critics like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) flip-flopped, becoming staunch defenders.

“I’d thought that maybe 2024 would be the year the GOP finally began some semblance of a post-Trump future,” Leibovich explains. "At the very least, new voices of resistance had to finally assert themselves.

“ … Yet the speed with which Trump has settled back into easy dominance of his party has been both remarkable and entirely foreseeable — foreseen, in fact, by Trump himself."

Leibovich continued, “Because if there’s been one recurring lesson of the Trump-era GOP, it’s this: Never underestimate the durability of a demagogue with a captive base, a desperate will to keep going, and — perhaps most of all — a feeble and terrified opposition of spineless ciphers.”


Harris made Billy Barr fixer couch his words. She’s going to eat dumpster alive.