Trump Won’t Let Anti-Abortion Politics Wreck His Bid To Avoid Jail

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Cleo doesn’t care about the eclipse.


The last time Trump picked a position it cost him $130k.


If you’re not already in your bunker ahead of the eclipse with a year’s worth of non-perishable food and a heap of ammo and weapons to defend against looters, it may be too late.

Good luck, all, see you on the other side for those who make it!


Have the anti-abortionists finally caught on to TSF’s schitck? My guess is no.


Left out of the DT/abortion discussion is that lying is like breathing to him. I have zero doubt that he would sign a national ban or that he would be fully on board with contraception bans.


I would think that rich, white rapists would be pro-abortion.

Ohhhhhhhhh yeah, they can get their abortions illegally “on the sly” for $20,000 a piece.

Wherever they want…

I forgot. My bad.


Chaser: Trump tells donors he wants immigration from “nice countries,” like Denmark, Switzerland, and Norway.”



Hey y’all…Don’t be like this guy today. He’s a Total Idiot.

As many of us know, only Republicans can look directly at the sun without their special glasses…They have special powers that defy science and most reality I’m told. I understand it comes from living on Earth 2 where all things are possible in their quest to be winners at all costs.

(sorry for the early morning pic. Next time I’ll try to find a cute kitty for everyone.)


So what? This was LBJ all day, every day. The question is whether he told Brewer to do something illegal. If not, this is hardly worth mentioning vs actual crimes and examples of batshit crazy incoherence.


A GOP majority in both houses of Congress, along with a GOP President, would see Obergefell, Lawrence and Griswold reversed via signed legislation. They’d all be deemed legal reversals by SCOTUS in subsequent challenges, just as was done with Roe. Settled law is dead.


PATH OF TOTALITY (The Borowitz Report)—As millions of America await a rare celestial event, a leading brain scientist warns that staring at an eclipse without protective eyewear can lead to “severe and irreversible brain damage.”

Dr. Davis Logsdon, who studies the impact of unfiltered eclipse-viewing on mental function, said that the powerful rays produced by the astronomical phenomenon “can pass through the viewer’s eyes and literally cook his brain.”

A person who has made the reckless and foolhardy mistake of looking directly at an eclipse is likely to exhibit “lack of impulse control leading to childish, tantrum-like outbursts,” he said.

More troubling, however, is the impairment of the viewer’s cognitive faculties. “He might no longer be able to correctly name the president, or even his own wife,” Logsdon warned.

The scientist recommended that someone with an eclipse-ravaged brain be forbidden from engaging in certain activities, including “operating an automobile or farm equipment, or holding any position of power.”


We will now see a lot of press tut-tutting toward anyone who points out the obvious point that Trump didn’t discuss the kind of blue state abortion ban he has privately said he’ll support and sign if he’s reelected President.

"“At the end of the day, it’s all about will of the people,” he added. “That’s where we are right now and that’s what we want — the will of the people.”

Yeah, Fat Boy? We’re going to take this issue and shove it right up where you put your black light.


Waiting for what Puppy will do.

Just don’t be like Trump.


If this country TRULY followed “the will of the people”, Hillary would be ending her second term in 9 months.


I’m in Montreal, where I plan to watch the Great Canadian Eclipse. Excited!

Meanwhile, every so often orange guy’s strange 18th-century capitalization creeps me out. “Rape, Incest, and the Life of the Mother”? Not exactly “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


Thump I will take a mulligan

Look TPM. Here’s the thing. The photo you chose of Trump today is FOUR YEARS OLD.

If you’re going to subject us to looking at him day in and day out, do us all a favor and choose a photo from last week or last month, with the sagging skin pracically falling off of his face and his eyballs receding into his skull. IE THE WAY HE LOOKS NOW, not four years ago.

The man is falling apart and needs to be shown doing so. Posting pictures of him from four years ago is doing your little part to help normalize him.

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