Trump Won’t Go Near Tuberville’s Military Abortion Fit

I like that. Some may be men.

A modern military.


Cadet Bone Spurs is as stupid as Tuberville, and that’s a lot of stupid!!!


useful idiot

A person who is easy to persuade to do, say, or believe things that help a particular group or another person politically.

Let’s see. Tommy is helping Russia, China and North Korea with his bullshit promotions holds, so yes, a useful idiot.


Careful, if they meet in the same room that much stupid may cause an unholy vortex to open and swallow the earth!

Apparently McConnell feels the same way. This “power” Tubby has is just an old Senate Rule that can be changed by simple actions that the Senators are too impotent to do something about.


Clearly, he’s got what it takes to be a Republican.


Seriously? How could a football coach not love African Americans? That is, if he ever hopes to win.

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Tuberville is still upset that Herschel Walker lost. Now Tuberville is still the stupidest member of the US Senate.


When you elect an ignorant man with zero political experience to the Senate, what could go wrong? Sen. Tuberville is no different than the Freedom Caucus right wing radicals who come from gerrymandered districts that are so safely red that it doesn’t matter what they do, as long as they are seen to be ‘owning the libs’. Of course, the bigger problem is that huge swaths of the country simply don’t like the 21st Century, and would like to take America back at least 50 years, if not 100. These people aren’t going away, so I am not sure what the answer is: containment?


The University of Alabama was all white until a team from USC, led by Sam Cunningham (R.I.P) went down to Birmingham and beat the snot out of the Tide.

Bear Bryant then said, “We have to get some of those N**Clanks!”


as well as military families, in limbo.

That is no small thing.

These families are not living the plush life. They don’t have limitless resources, and personal attendants a phone call away. These are young people with new families. They have plenty on their plates just trying to stay even. Toss in mumps, schooling, all that hormone stuff in the kids, inflation too, product shortages of simple things like infant formula. That stuff politicians handle so well.

The uncertainty is the worst. Yes, plans can be restarted. Time tables …? Those have to start from scratch.

…oh wait, these are the guys who just ignore budgets.


The only thing this asshole is fighting is human decency and common sense. Of course he’s hurting the military! Not staffing it properly at the highest levels is kind of the definition of messing things up. Tuberville is a mental midget who should be greeting folks at Walmart, not sliming the U.S. Senate.


He doesn’t care. Does anyone think he won’t win re-election?

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The majority of people who have moved past the old days and ways aren’t going away and will outlast them.


Too crisp.

Think unctuous.
Think smarmy.
Think cretinous.
Think barmy.


Just another Putin’s people.

You know what Ima say. We can’t do anything about Tubbs, but, Schumer could hold the senate 24/7 until Grassley’s and Tuberville’s prostates explode and McConnell expires. That he refuses to even threaten it tells me he DGAF.

All he really understands about college football is looking the other way as money was steered towards Auburn recruits. He’s otherwise shit as a college football coach, which is why he kept getting fired after the one championship season. Dude couldn’t hang on for more than a couple years at Texas Tech and Cincinnati.


A fact check for Hugh Hewitt: Tuberville is a senator, not a governor.

As for Trump’s opinion about Tuberville’s abortion tantrum that he’s throwing at the expense of military promotions, commands, and readiness: He doesn’t have one, as far as I can tell from parsing his demented blather.

To say that Trump has a nuanced policy stance on abortion, or anything else, is to laugh.


What is it in the Senate rules that allows one senator to stop all promotions?