Trump Won’t Go Near Tuberville’s Military Abortion Fit

The leaders of half the branches of the military have come out swinging this week to condemn Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) for his blockade of senior military promotions. It’s all part of a broader attempt on the Alabama’s senator’s part to bully the Pentagon into changing its policy that reimburses service members who must travel for abortion care post-Roe, both in the U.S. and abroad. Military officials are speaking out publicly now to make it clear that Tuberville’s anti-abortion charade presents a threat to national security, as three branches of the military are left without official leaders.

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Frist! Does Trump sound punch-drunk?


I wonder if Chiselin’ Trump knows that the 5’ 10" tall Tuberville appears to dwarf him in that photo.


Chiselin’ Trump doesn’t care because Tuberville has not (yet) put any holds on promotions of senior leaders of Space Force.


Tuberville is just an ignorant ass who has never been in the military and all he really understands is college football. Trump is just a befuddled chickenshit.l


He’s got the guts to do what he wants to do, what he thinks is good, and he loves the people of this country and the people of Alabama. And he’s in there fighting, which is unfortunately not true for a lot of other Republicans. We have great Republican support, but the Republicans have to learn to fight stronger and harder and smarter.

Word salad.


Yes, and “Following a 6-5 season in 1998, Tuberville vowed he’d never leave Oxford, then promptly departed for Auburn two days later.”


“I’m disappointed that a secretary would say that about a senator. Makes you feel bad that we got leaders in the country like that,” Tuberville said yesterday. “If I thought it was hurting readiness, I wouldn’t be doing this. But it’s not.”
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When the leaders of our military say what Tuberville is doing with his hold on promotions is hurting readiness I would believe them and not some asshole senator from Alabama who is clueless about how the military operates.
Tommy, you’ve had your stunt now for 6 months. You have made your point that you hate abortion. Get the fuck off your high horse.


No he doesn’t understand football. But is did have a good lawyer/agent. His wealth comes from being a FIRED football coach, and the buyouts of his contracts.


More like wilted word salad. The “senator” may have the courage of his convictions, but TFG sure doesn’t. The MAGAts got their way with overturning Roe, and now TFG won’t drive the stake in even further. What a frigging coward!


Soggy word salad, with wilted lettuce, rancid radishes, and stale croutons. Good lord that man is a moron.


My understanding of holds is that it’s not even an official part of Senate rules. By declaring the hold, he’s guaranteeing it won’t pass by unanimous consent, which would force a cloture vote, requiring 60 votes to pass. Further, the “hold” is softly backed by enough fellow party members that attempting to get to 60 could get sticky.

It’s all a “gentleman’s agreement” on how to go about Senate business, but if the issue were forced and the chips were forced to be put down, there’s not really anything that guarantees it wouldn’t pass. It’s just that it would be a pain to take the time to vote for cloture (and it could be awkward for any vulnerable Dems, though I’m not sure how that would apply for this particular vote since Dems seem pretty much in total agreement).

Along with the necessity for cloture votes at all (aka the filibuster), “holds” are another thing that the Senate really just needs to abolish. They were originally designed around the “gentlemanly” idea to permit a State’s Senators to have a say in people getting appointed to Federal roles in their state. But they’re being horrendously abused nowadays, so far as I can see.


How does coaching college football equate to being a US Senator?

Then again how does failing when owing two casinos, marketing steaks and wine and attempting to sell big time real estate equate to understanding how to be president?


I’m typing and not writing. I am also thinking, which is a very great thing, but also lots of people here think I am not thinking. And I do things. Sometimes I don’t do things. But I love the great state of California, and I’m here typing and not thinking for all the Hivers out there.


pretty sure there’s listeria in there from not being washed too


…and he loves the people of this country and the people of Alabama.

Tubs loves the white people of Alabama. The other white guy running for the Senate liked young girls.

Alabama has a white man problem.


I think I read your comment but maybe not but I love my hometown and your friend there to the left. Good people. Some say great. Others, not so much.


You wave a flag. The greatest flag in the world. You sir, are a patriot.
Now send me money.


A smart Senator would recognize that he made his point and release the holds. But Tuberville isn’t a smart Senator.


Tommy Tuberville is a jackass and a genuine Trumpist: say whatever bull manure serves you at the moment and everyone should accept it as true because you said it; e.g., the US got Ukraine “into this mess” and similar incoherent fantasies. But he also appears to be out of his league and not only fails to realize the room he is playing now is bigger but military readiness and abortion access is a third rail even in the South; screwing around with either is not a mistake his god TFG would make never mind both.

ETA: I’m thinking a good way to address Tuber’s little fundamentalist insurrection would be for a bevy of Colonel’s spouses to confront him in a venue he cannot escape and tell him in no uncertain terms just exactly what his hold is doing.