When President Donald Trump warned on his Twitter account of a “Civil War like fracture” if he is removed from office, the message had a special resonance with some of his heavier-armed supporters.
And this would be openly fomenting sedition against the United States of America. From what I understand, that’s a crime that carries the death penalty.
There’s not any question about that. The military will do their jobs, which means there won’t be any tanks in the streets or shit like that. Their oath is to the Constitution, not to Trump.
Is Your Rascal Scooter Fully Charged In Preparation For A Second Civil War?
by [James Schlarmann]
The Trump administration has issued a warning to any and all combatants who plan to fight on his side — charge your rascal scooters first.
“We have every intention of winning this great war of ideals,” White House Chief Racism Strategist Stephen Miller told reporters outside the White House this morning. “That being said, the logistics of charging a few hundred thousand, maybe a few million, rascal scooters could be challenging at first. So we are encouraging all our wonderful patriotic scooter drivers to make sure their batteries are fully charged before mustering for duty.”
Miller told reporters in addition to having their scooter batteries charged, new combatants in Trump’s Civil War should make sure other preparations are made prior to arriving at the battlefield. Militia members should bring their own bacon grease for gravy and for use as sex lube at night, as Miller says “fighting and killing libtarded Americans in the great purge” will work up both a “healthy appetite and a raging boner” for many of those who enlist to fight.
“You should also, of course, bring your own ammunition and arms. Unlike the previous Civil War, the U.S. government won’t be issuing arms to those fighting on behalf of the president,” Miller said. “We figure everyone on our side will have at least a dozen guns of their own anyway. Basically, take what you learned in school about the Civil War and flip it so the south is actually the north. It’s really rather easy to do since the Confederacy plus a couple Rust Belt states elected our 45th Greatest President of All Time.”
The FBI should track down every one of these seditious motherfuckers and charge them with terrorist activities. This would be ludicrously ridiculous if it weren’t for the absolute fact that Trumpers love violence, love the idea of murdering anyone who points out Trump’s crimes, and live every day in a paranoid world of suspicion, fear and anger. This is not okay.
Whenever any journalist, reporter, or talking-heads interview any of these dorks, all they need to do is ask them - “exactly what oath are you keeping?”, because it’s not the oath that I took as a US Army soldier in 1985.