Trump Trying To ‘Smear’ Me; He Knows I’ll ‘Beat Him Like A Drum’

He and Barr have broken the law in subverting proper channels to get the appropriate information to Congress.

Barr has gone so far as to find a “gap” in the law that nobody has ever found before. It’s so blatant that it’s almost comical. If there is any justice at all left in this government Barr should end up in jail for obstruction of justice.


Go for it. Trump won’t help you. Vlad already said nyet. Bone sawyers are on your own on this one. ETTD, suckers!


Isn’t he sending a couple of hundred mercenaries from our Armed Forces to go over there and start some shit? Tough choice for the Idiot King. Saudi money for his hotels or Vlad’s pat on his head for being a good little Laundering Louse, so easily manipulated by kompromat. Maybe now he’ll finally start to learn the difference between Sunni and Shi’a.

ETA: After his term is over the only thing he has to look forward to, after all his American and European golf courses and real estate ventures fail because his name is synonymous with mud, is still his starry-eyed hope in building a Moscow Towers…because Vlad promised him that for all his fealty, dontyaknow.


Ah, yes, there’s always at least one in these threads, so full of “concern”.


Now THIS is how a real Dem should talk. Now, obviously, he’s no longer in congress and doesn’t have to take his position within the caucus into consideration, plus he’s the one whose reputation is being sullied so naturally he’d push back. But that’s never a given with Dems, even when they’re being personally and dishonestly attacked. Fuck that high road bullshit. Real Dems fight back and draw blood.


I don’t get it. We’ve been selling the Saudis billions and billions of high-tech arms for the past 45 or so years, presumably with whatever training is needed to use them properly, along with tactical, strategic and other military training, and they still can’t defend their mostly empty desert kingdom against some drones and need us to do it for them? They’re either the dumbest fucking morons on the face of the earth, or the laziest–or both. No wonder Trump loves them. They’re stupid, lazy and filthy rich–and unbelievably vile, hacking a journalist to death, deeply misogynistic–i.e. his kind of people.


The House of Saud and The House of Fraud.


Yeah. I don’t get it either. Let them fight their own damn war. We don’t have a treaty to come to their defense. We do have our own bases out of there through a separate agreement but they get a lot from us for that privilege. Fuck them. Their radicalized citizens flew fucking airplanes into our buildings on 9-11 and they’ve done nothing to address their radicalized madrasas that spawned so many jihadists. Plus they got a free pass to get outta Dodge on flights home when the Twin Towers came down, all while American airspace was shut down to everyone else. I’ve never understood that one. The Saudi leaders are contemptible for a lot of reasons really.


How’s the weather in Petrograd today?


And just wait until the general election begins.


Of all the countries we should be risking American lives and fortune on, Saudi Arabia is last or nearly last on my list, both because it can well afford and should be able to do it itself by now, and because it’s such a vile regime (NOT the people, but the regime). We don’t even need their oil, to boot. Yes, I realize that if they’re further attacked, it’ll lead to regional strife and global recession, which is not nothing. But that doesn’t change the fact that they should defend their own damn country by now. Then again, a militarily capable SA is kind of a scary thought. Next they’ll want nukes, and try to get them.


discussing how the media will be (and is) reporting this is not “making it about Biden”. The closest thing to actual criticism of Biden vis a vis Hunter is when I said Biden should acknowledge he failed to take in to account the appearance of a conflict of interest.

we’re trying to help here… we all think that what Trump is doing is so far beyond the pale that we can’t believe Pelosi is still resisting impeachment.


what democrats are you talking about.


Warren called for impeachment – and said that inaction by congress made them “complicit”.

Which, imho, is the right way to go. If the other candidates make it about Biden, then Biden, not Trump, becomes the focus of the story. And the focus should be on Trump, period.


And let’s never forget how we had a huge hand in fucking up the region when we put the kibosh on democracy in Iran and installed the Shah. The Iranian people are a lot more pragmatic about their leaders and the religious zealots that control power in their country with their private security forces imposing strict adherence to religious law, which is often detested by a majority of their citizens, especially the younger generations. We tend to forget all that when all the blather about how evil Iran is starts to get repeated ad nauseam by some of our own politicians. Iran does use many proxies to start shit but world domination and an invasion by going to war on its own has never been its goal.


Buddy Rich… what a wonderful blast from the past! Damn, he was talented. And he played like that while wearing a suit and tie.


Breaking news

@blandsten FYI


Looks good to me.

I saw her on Rachel’s show last week and I said to myself, “She’s unstoppable”. She is unstoppable because she is actually leading a movement. And she knows she is.

Now, about POC…

Liz has lots of advantages over Sanders in this regard. And, like a good academic, she can take notes.

Her only weakness might be feeling good one day and then trying to match insults with Trump. DO NOT DO IT, Professor Warren.


For fuck’s sake…


Showing up at my door with a BIG ASS CHECK no doubt

…Ooop! Wrong clearinghouse!