A visibly fired-up former Vice President Joe Biden snapped at Fox News’ Pete Doocy Saturday when he asked how often he talks to his son about his business dealings, accusing President Donald Trump of trying to “smear” him.
The truth is, Joe, you have no idea if you can beat Trump. As despicable and unethical as he is, he already defied all the pundits, odds and predictions and beat Hillary. The DNC rigged the primary for HRC, thereby sabotaging the one person who could really have beaten Trump: Bernie Sanders. So, Joe, you better STFU and realize that you’re already spoiled goods with your lies about so many things. You’re not a true progressive. You won’t fight to establish MEDICARE FOR ALL. You are exactly the sort of establishment candidate that Hillary was and you don’t offer us any real change…You are now “Status Quo Joe”.
Not only is Biden also a liar, but he’s also quite demented already, not too different from Trump in many ways. Don’t believe that?
Read this - published today: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52298.htm.
Be interesting to see if any of Joe’s primary opponents use the opportunity to give him a swift kick or two. They would do well to whale on Trump instead.
I’ve already lived through the ‘whataboutism’ campaigns against Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. The upshots were the elections of W and Drumpf.
I’d like to think that we’d have learned, in the years since Nixon, that the enemy of my party opponent is not my friend, and that in cases like this, what he/she says and does will not serve my interests.
I don’t support Joe Biden now, but if he is nominated, I will vote for him. Certainly, then, there’s a way to select against him in the primaries without lending credence to the character assassination campaigns run by Reactionaries.
And that’s all the more so where those campaigns are primarily intended to draw attention away from the gross malfeasance of the current occupant.