Trump Tries To Claim He Has No Idea What The Deal Is With Project 2025

Originally published at: Trump Tries To Claim He Has No Idea What The Deal Is With Project 2025 - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Former President Donald Trump attempted Friday to publicly distance himself from Project 2025 — an initiative referred to as the “presidential transition project,” spearheaded by the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation. Over the course of the Biden administration, Project 2025 has put out a series of proposals for how a second Trump administration might…


Sounds like he needs to take a mental compentecy test.


If this is a “Second American Revolution”, at least we’ll know who the Redcoats are.


Liar claims what???


There’s a long list of things and people he’s never heard of. So…….


Even Mrs. Cryptkeeper ain’t havin’ it.


Ten to one he didn’t write that post. His minders want to distance Degenerate Leader from Project 2025, which is not at all popular.


Getting enough media traction to get a response. A step.


English bastards.

Finally they have an actual government. It augers well for us that the UK will not rubber stamp Trump in a second term.

The Iraq war antipathy is very deep still.




OT AF, but I resent the Biden campaign’s attempted gaslighting of us that he had an off night.

I love him dearly and feel in his debt for pulling us out of our collective tailspin. We owe him our eternal gratitude.

But he is deteriorating. A president doesn’t have the luxury of a bad outing where he can’t coherently finish a thought or a sentence. Crises don’t wait for a time when you feel better.

It was not a cold or jet lag. Now we need President Biden to be the decent, moral man we know him to be
He needs to step down and hand the reins to VP Harris. She can continue the fight for Joe.


How do we know when TIFBG is lying?

When his lips move or his fingers type.

What a steaming pile……


trump definitely needs to drop out of the race.


… Trump claimed that he knows “nothing about Project 2025.”

“I never met that project before. It’s not even my type.”


He knows NOTHING about Project 2025. But he knows some of their ideas are abysmal.



Trump is so full of crap. Of course he knows what the 2025 Project is. He may not have come up with this fascist bullshit all on his now, but as long as he is “King”, you bet he wants it. In his mind, its all about retribution. Trump just doesn’t want to have to talk about it between now and November 5, because he knows it’s tenets are deeply unpopular and could cost him votes with the young-un’s.

WRT Joe and Kamala, as the gifted Dr. Sanjav Gupta neurologist has noted, Biden probably should undergo a thorough neurological evaluation to guide both Joe and Kamala’s decisions regarding the future. Joe has every right to make his own choice on this, but he should take this good advice.

No one should criticize Biden for looking after his own health and dropping out if he feels he is not up for the toughest job in the world. However, IF Biden drops out of the race he should also resign. If he does not think he can serve fully in 2025, he should not be serving now.

I agree with Josh Marshall that if Joe drops out of the race, he also needs to resign to give Kamala the power and advantages of incumbency. Johnson did not do this with Humphrey and it hurt him. Harris can then pick a new running mate, (like Pete Buttigieg), to serve as VP, and both of them can open a full-throated assault on TRUMP’s mental competence and insanity. It is hard for Biden to do that aggressively from his position.

Harris may also take a different view of her recently acquired immunity (which, by the SCOTUS’s logic should apply to the VP also), with regard to Trump. IMHO Trump’s unlawful possession and unauthorized dissemination of Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) information which poses grave danger to the National Security of the United States, is a five alarm fire, particularly with Trump’s history with our enemies, (Putin, Kim, etc.). Harris may decide to incarcerate Trump to prevent any further risk of either his trading of sensitive documents or telling a threat intelligence agent what he knows. Harris could claim she is protecting the country, and would be fully justified in doing so. It would also cause Trump to go COMPLETELY insane, which, in my book, is a good thing.


Why would he know the people that worked for him in the WH?




“and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”
– Candidate Trump, 2024

Except banning abortion.

Donald is very proud of what he did on that issue. It’s missing a suitable provision for torturing violators of the ban, though.

“There has to be punishment for the woman who does it.”
– Also Donald Trump

Remember, Republicans believe birth control contributes to murder.