I’ve never seen it, but the words “full frontal” and “Trumpp” together in the same sentence are horrifying!
… Or maybe it’s the announcement that he’s been diagnosed with Covid-19 and will be hospitalized imminently…
I’m busy at 9. Tell him to f** off.
“small frontal” would be more accurate. Just sayin’
Trump To Address Nation From Oval At 9 PM ET
Be still, my beating heart!
And even if he does not.
Would double productivity due to the inability to run office betting pools.
It’s actually just going to be a feed of trump watching Hannity and repeating everything he says.
Cross posting but this is kind of a big deal. SPS is the largest in the state -50,000+ students and preschools.
A lot of people are already saying this is the most beautiful, perfect presidential address ever.
Because his uncle worked at MIT one time.
Or he fires Pence, appoints Ivanka VP, and then he resigns…
Very smart!
And very, very smart!
You make me blush…
Oh, you meant for the drinking game triggers.
Maximus says minimus!
Classified briefing was to decide on which stocks to short.
Bloomberg just reported that they’ll have men’s and women’s tournaments minus the fans. Only staff and family. Should be easy to keep a social distance from the relative who insists on yelling at the refs the whole game (that was my dad – my mom stopped taking him and took my brother instead).
It’s just tremendous. He’s doing things. Lots of things. And the things he’s doing are the best ever – like something that’s never been done before. And a lot of people walk up to him with tears in their eyes and say “thank you, Sir, for all the great things you’re doing.”
President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday that he would address the nation from the Oval Office at 9 p.m. E.T.
we’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic – and Trump thinks that the way to tell the nation about an oval office announcement is to tweet about it?
and couldn’t he do it at 8PM – instead of stepping on Maddow time?
Getting the floor wax just right can be a challenge…