Trump Thinks Impeachment Will Help Win House, But Doesn’t Want It On His ‘Resume’

This is a Wikipedia page that links the sources of the information listed.

Health insurance coverage in the United States is provided by several public and private sources. During 2016, the U.S. population overall was approximately 325 million, with 53 million people 65 years of age and over, covered by the federal Medicare program. The 272 million non-institutional people under age 65 either obtained their coverage from employer-based (155 million) or non-employer based (90 million) sources, or were uninsured (27 million).[1] Approximately 15 million military personnel received coverage through the Veteran’s Administration and Military Health System.[2] During the year 2016, 91.2% of Americans had health insurance coverage.[3] Despite being among the top world economic powers, the US remains the sole industrialized nation in the world without universal health care coverage.[4][5],by%20the%20federal%20Medicare%20program.

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Ah no, just no. Micky is as delusional as Donnie.


I’m “OK” with mine, but (1) I pay a king’s ransom for it; and (2) I’m still not “happy” with it.


Your resume couldn’t look any worse if you tried.
And, impeachment will help you win back the House, not by a long shot. The delusion continues.




The question remains: How do you reach the conclusion that 160,000,000 Americans are “happy” with their health insurance?

Is it just something you “know”?


Exactly. Same. Luckily I’m fairly healthy, but boy was I pissed when the handful of times I did have larger claims, just how much I ended up out-of-pocket, despite allegedly having a really good plan (let alone the months-long battle with the insurance company one time to get them to actually pay for a surgical procedure).


No, trust me, you’re better off not having insurance if the alternative is economic slavery to COMMUNISM! First it was Social Security, then Medicare, then Medicaid–plus fluoridation. My god, next they’ll be forcing us to make our kids go to school and drive responsibly. FASCISM!


Please don’t tempt him.


What, through telepathy? Or maybe tapping on the plumbing?


Best not suggest anything to do with plumbers.

Then again, I guess they’ve already tried that.

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I don’t think being “happy” is an creditable argument of Medical Insurance. I may not be “happy” about my insurance, however, taking my insurance away is a different issue. What are you replacing for my insurance with, which I probably won’t be happy with either. Any insurance that has a mandated coverage and payments and only get coverage that the government tells you, you need and seems a losing issue for the voters, who barely tolerated the ACA.

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Well, he decided to give up the Kurds for slaughter today, so looks like he was tempted.


I wish the press would start putting it in this perspective.

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When I first read it I saw “another person with intelligence”. I guess it works either way.

The government deciding, as opposed to some faceless person at a for-profit business deciding whether to approve your coverage…

Yeah, I’ll take the government controls, don’t need someone balancing books for the quarter deciding that an appendectomy isn’t covered because, well, they just decided to.

So why did you post above that 160 million people are “happy” with their insurance?


Yes, it does.

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So says the dude that spends five hours a day tweeting like a maniac.

Sounds like he knows the FIX (Russian, of course) is in.
Another stolen election in the making.

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