Trump Thinks Impeachment Will Help Win House, But Doesn’t Want It On His ‘Resume’

Yes, we need him to brag more about committing sexuals assaults, along with denigrating POWs. That will sink him for sure.


The big question is what are the 5 states he will lose? Does he think the Dems will lose New York?


Too late!

Amazing what stories Mulvaney’s needs to tell Trump in order to keep him from sacrificing Barron to the angry volcano.


Are you reading the details of Universal Health care plans of Sanders and Warren. There are 160,000,000 people with private heath insurance through their employees or whatever and they are happy with this insurance. There are about 10,000,000 people who have no medical insurance for what ever reason, some don’t want it, some can’t afford it, or for want ever reason, do not have medical insurance. So they want everyone to have their insurance, the insurance that Sanders and Warren think is the best for us. Medicare is not the best insurance, and most people want to have their insurance that they can get and pay for what they want, not have it mandated by Sanders and Warren what you want or get.


I see he said this morning that Nancy should also be impeached.

Good grief. No one filled him in on how this works, or he refused to listen.


Impeachment is coming for you, Donnie, and no one deserves it more.



And he wants to impeach mid Romney. Hey stupid you can’t impeach a senator.

We don’t care what you want anyway too late. You had the opportunity to step up and learn what your job description is and you have failed you have not even tried you’ve decided to try and make it all about you change your job description and the constitution to fit you instead of you learning what the constitution is about and it Do it the requirements are for your job description. You’re fired just need to take care of that blue sent in the paperwork stupid. And it’s too late baby wait too late. We don’t care anymore about you or what happens to you and yours you’re on your way out.

And on your way out please make sure the door doesn’t hit you in your big fat butt we don’t want to pay for repairs that that Hiney of yours may cost. Turn out the lights to by the way loser.


Even taken at face value, this is ridiculous (putting aside the possibility of massive election fraud). Given what is now known about Trump and his minions’ actions, there’s simply no way that impeachment gets Repubs more votes than it loses them. It’ll rally the base, but they were going to vote for them anyway and a more intensely-cast vote is still just one vote. It won’t move many if any votes their way, due to the nature of the charges against them. It can only move votes away from them. So it can’t help, and can only hurt. Unlike the Clinton impeachment, this one’s righteous and the public appears to agree. No one’s going to become a Trumpie who wasn’t already one due to impeachment. It may not lose them many supporters, but it will push the center away from them. And, it’s likely to rally Dems’ base as well, which was looking for signs of leadership taking on Trump. So, analysis and prognosis fail, Donald.


If you can think, you would think that Impeachment would be the high point of his resume.


According to this report 44 million Americans are without insurance.


Are you quite sure?


This statement, coupled with this mornings revelations of a literal ‘shakedown’ of the Ukrainian gas company by Perry and others - reads like a bad Mob Movie script.

Donnie thinks impeachment will be like ‘earning his bones’.


That is the information I have, if you don’t believe me, look it up yourself.

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That 160,000,000 people are “happy” with the health insurance they have?

Kindly show me.


Others he’ll call to be impeached:

The whistleblower
The guy who made his whistle
Rachel Maddow
People who wear “Trump Sucks” t-shirts
Any Israeli PM who isn’t Bibi
Hillary Clinton
Chelsea Clinton
Alec Baldwin
Some guy on 5th Ave.
John Legend
The cast of Hamilton


Trump doubles down on every setback. If he’s impeached there’s no doubt he’ll try to turn it to his advantage, it’s the only choice he’d have. He’ll wear it like a badge, proudly, bragging at election rallies the evil Dems tried to take him down and failed (thank you, Mitch McConnell). Eventually he’ll convince himself being impeached was one of the best things that ever happened to him, and likewise he’ll have his base convinced of the same.


As opposed to the 140M who are happy to not have health insurance, because FreeDUMB!

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He doesn’t even realize that it’s a legacy, not a resume. It’s not as if he’s going to apply for a job somewhere once he leaves the WH, however he may leave. Resume’s are for people who need to communicate job skills and experience to others; legacies are for history.
But the thing that is fascinating is that he doesn’t realize the comments like that are perfect for creating hashtags or memes that will make him insane. Imagine what will be trending by this afternoon.


I’ve never met a single person who was “happy” with their insurance. Happy relative to not having insurance, sure.

But there is almost nobody out there who is “happy” with their ever-increasing premiums, co-pays, deductibles, having the insurance company deny things that their doctor says they need, fighting with the insurance company to get them to actually cover things, etc.


Apart from the wacky ideology, the number seems … a tad high!