Trump Thinks Impeachment Will Help Win House, But Doesn’t Want It On His ‘Resume’

President Trump thinks that Democrats’ impeachment inquiry will help his party win back the House of Representatives, but he’s not so sure he wants to sacrifice himself in order to do so, Axios reported.

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Yikes! What a delusional dope. But, by all means Donnie, keep playing checkers!


Words fail.

Seriously. I started several replies but couldn’t formulate anything coherently, because, I mean, where do you even start to respond to this level of moronic idiocy???




How about:
Yes Donnie it’s all about you
Please proceed
You’ll look good in Orange




It must be comforting for Trump to have a dope like Kevin McCarthy right there, someone just as clueless as he his as to how government works. Of course he’d like to see him as Speaker of the House!


Trump reportedly also believes that an impeachment vote will help him get reelected, a notion that’s been fed to him by his acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, who has speculated multiple times recently that he thinks Trump will win 45 out of 50 states in 2020 thanks to impeachment, Axios reported.

The delusion is strong with this one.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Mulvaney is secretly communicating with House democrats. Maybe he’s the new whistleblower with first-hand knowledge?


Yeah riiight. Doesn’t want impeachment on his resume, huh? That resume never looked good to begin with. This is what happens when you try to snooker the American people.

Let’s see those tax returns, Donald.


Nah…I’m betting on Kellyanne ConJob.


Trump’s campaign is flush with cash, and money keeps pouring in. His digital and social media advertising is spot-on and dwarfs anything Dems attempt. He isn’t afraid to fight dirty, even criminally, and Dems are mostly averse to do the same. He recruits help from foreign influencers, possibly even their intelligence agencies.
Gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts benefit Republican almost exclusively. Expect the courts, increasingly populated and sometimes dominated by the recent influx of Trump judges, to uphold many of various State legislature’s efforts on those fronts. The FEC has been gelded, and won’t be helping Dems with any issues in their purview. If Trump targets the proper mix of states for victory he can win the Electoral College with little more than 42%>44% of the popular vote. He won the last election with room to spare on that count with but 46% of the vote.

If the Democratic nominee doesn’t receive upwards of 53% of the popular vote Trump can cruise to victory. He/she may have to best Trump by 7-10 million votes to prevail. Clinton’s 3 million vote margin was too little.


Example #1,546,810 of what a complete moron this man is. He is just so f***ing stupid.

Of course this is being fed to him by his minions to prevent him from having a massive stroke. Meantime they are looking at electoral maps and sweating profusely…

All that said, I hope they are wrong. I believe they are wrong. But then 2016… If he wins again and the House flips, I will have a stroke. I can’t bank on anything until 11/4/20.


They say it’s another person from Intelligence. Don’t think that’s Kellyanne or Mik.


Yep. That’s my fear. Thanks for planting a cloud over this sunny day!


I think this is false choice, impeach and Democrats lose, or not impeach and the Democrats lose their base. The only way Democrats can lose (and they are this stupid) is that they have a candidate that will take away medical insurance from 160,000,000 to give medical insurance to 10,000,000. Voters do not do nuance; we know that regarding the Mueller report. All Trump will have to do is say the they are taking your health insurance away, to give to immigrants, etc. and Republicans will just say that over and over, and they would be right if Warren or Sanders is the candidate. Universal Heath care is the Democrats “wall”, but the Trump wall did not hurt anyone, our “wall” is taking health insurance away. Incredibly stupid, and in 2020 we can’t be stupid. We should build on the ACA and to the ultimate goal to have insurance that is so good, that everyone would want it, not force all people or take insurance away from people who have good insurance. That is just stupid, and the Democrats will make the voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, to choice between two candidates, one will take my insurance away, and the other maybe crazy and a crook, but I really need my medical insurance.


I’d like to see a Bill of Particulars instead of a resume.


There are rumors of more than two (law firm reports representing “multiple”) WBs floating around…one of which is inside the WH. The second “confirmed” one appears to be IC, possibly/probably CIA, with more direct knowledge than the first one, but is unclear if this is the “inside the WH” one. I was thinking of KAC here (sorry, bit of a miscommunication here) as the inside-job WB.


Well, the Democrats will be happy to test his theory, but I don’t think it will turn out the way he expects it to. It appears as though Trump doesn’t understand that being impeached when you’re actually guilty of a serious crime doesn’t rally the country to you.


Good news, boss! – most prisons don’t require a resume these days.

